~The Marriage Scheme~

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Camila's P.O.V.

I wasn’t feeling well that much this morning, my head was pounding and I literally almost puked every hour so I didn’t get that much sleep yesterday. It also was such a bad timing that I learned Tracy is not really speaking with Jesse since last night, Tracy also had asked Voight to partner her up with other people but good thing Voight said no. I literally feel so bad for making Tracy avoid him like that, I never wanted that to happen but I have faith in Tracy that she wouldn’t do something that can endanger all of us.

I had to extend my sleep in the afternoon as my little one refused to make her Mama rest last night. I asked medications from Dr. Torrey which can lessen my headache and nausea and she gladly gave me, she told me that we found out about my pregnancy when it was early so it’s quite normal for me not to have that during the past weeks. But now that I am close to reaching 5 weeks subtle symptoms started appearing and I’m starting to hate it…

Small feather touches suddenly caused me to open my eyes, his big hand was running on my hair which triggered something inside me. I thought it was Shawn, I thought the man I love had finally managed to get out of his shell to come find me so I can tell him about our beautiful love that’s growing inside me but the minute I wasn’t able to feel the warmth, I knew it wasn’t him who was running his fingers on my hair. Instead I was greeted by the lovely and beautiful eyes from my father.

"Papa, good morning. What are you doing here this early?" I immediately sat up on my bed, slightly being careful not to sit up that fast or else I know I would run to the bathroom to puke my guts out. The headache was still slightly there since I wasn’t able to sleep that much, good thing my puking thing had already lessened probably because I have nothing to puke anymore.

"Did I wake you up? I'm so sorry" Papa was quick to apologize, pressing a soft kiss on my forehead before pulling me to rest my back on his.

This is our usual position whenever he wanted to chat with me, I chuckled softly remembering that small faint memory which I realized I still haven’t forgot. Mama would always lie on his chest and arms while I, still little that time would rest my back on Papa where he will start narrating how they met and all different stories he can tell me.

"No it's okay, I actually was already awake a few minutes ago but I decided to just take a small rest. Is there something wrong?" His eyes tells me there’s something wrong, the way he sighs heavily as well as look away for a mere second really adds fuel to the fire. What’s running in his head right now? He rarely looks this troubles.

"Have you eaten?" Okay I’m not going to stay still, I silently rolled my eyes before turning around to look at him. I’m not going to listen to anything he says knowing that he’s planning to just lie and dodge the topic nonstop, one thing I hate about Papa.

"Papa you're changing the topic. Come on, what's bothering you?"

It took Papa quite a while before he finally opened up to me, he had kept himself quiet for more than a minute and so which really brought me to worry what was running in his head. I made sure to hold his hand, calming him down which in fact he was the one who taught that to me when I was a child. I let my thumb run on the back of his hand, slightly massaging him seeing how so many things he’s been able to do with this very hand of his.

"Are you really sure you want to get married to Jesse?"

Oops… Here it comes. I actually really can’t have the right timing to talk to him, last night I really wanted to talk to him so I waited for him to go home but Tia Catalina said there had been a meeting with the boards at the company so he would have to go late. I tried waiting up for him but my baby really just don’t want me to talk to her grandfather, she made me feel so much sick to the point that I couldn’t think properly at all. But seems like fate is on my side seeing how Papa is now the one appearing next to me and talking about the marriage farce that’s going to happen.

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