~The Morning Black Rose~ (Shawn)

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Shawn's P.O.V.

"Peter, she's here"

A wide smile creased on my lips hearing the lovely news Connor has for me. I immediately dropped the call, ending the topic between me and my sister as for tonight it is all about this lovely woman and me who will enjoy each other's company. Just as I turned around, showing my face to her a look of shock appeared making me smirk.

There are several reactions I could get from a woman. One is that they would immediately throw themselves at me, battling their eye lashes, showing off more of their skin, almost practically stripping naked before me. Two, they just try seducing me before I could even come close to them, they'd try different ways to gain my attention, accidentally bumping into me, spilling wine on my shirt and so many more. But so far, this woman's reaction is seemingly the best for me.

She was looking at me with a prim yet shocked look. I can see her trying to look calm and composed even if it wasn't the truth. The way her eyes shone in recognition to my face didn't in fact hid her surprise even if she tried to act and look normal, they were shaking from what I could see as I was looking at her directly. Looking at her as if I was staring at the window of her soul.

Her beautiful small lips were slightly parted, she was gasping silently from what I could sense. Her hands were on either side of hers, attempting to act and look normal but the way her eyes shone proved to me that she was far from normal. There were light in her eyes, as bit like happiness and caring that had been shut down before by my father in me. The light in her eyes just showed me that she's far different from the rest of the woman I've met.

Actually, they couldn't compare to her even the slightest bit.

"Lovely to meet you beautiful Karla"

I made my way close to her, taking every step closer as I could feel her heart beating quickly. I might not be that close to feel it but in my mind and based on her expressions I know that her heart is being uncontrollable at this point. There's just something about her that makes the man in me get so hooked up on a woman like her.

In amidst of her frozen state, I took it as my sweet time to roam my sinful eyes to her beautiful curves. She was wearing a black tight jeans that seemed to have been clinging on her for quite some while now, it was displaying her beautiful figure ever so flawlessly especially her round bottoms. Her black top seemed to have perfectly showed off her curves in all the right angles, it showed her perfectly toned stomach and round yet perfect size of breasts.

She's already looking this hot and sexy making a certain lower part of my body twitching, I wonder what more reaction from me would happen if I really do see her naked before me.

"Cat got your tongue love? Why are you so speechless?" I found myself asking seeing how still shocked and frozen she looked, her eyes bore to mine and it was just around this time that she finally regained herself.

"Sorry, I couldn't help myself. I'm Karla Rojas"

Interesting name... but I don't think it suits her very well.

She held out her hand and placed it on top of mine, holding it for a handshake that I was asking for since earlier. Her hand was so soft and small against mine, I felt like I was a giant in front of her or I feel like she's just so small compared to me. I folded my hand on her, giving her the warmth I could possibly give to make her feel comfortable to me. A mild blush appeared on her cheeks earning a small smile from me.

"Couldn't help yourself? Tell me love, what's running inside that head of yours? Have I lost you?"

"I couldn't help myself stuttering and day dreaming when I'm in front of a very handsome and shredded man, I hope you don't mind acting weird just like the first time we met"

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