~The Crystal Fire Bullet~

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Camila’s P.O.V.

Turning my head to the bed, I saw a very sleepy yet hot and handsome man looking over at me as if he's planning to take a picture of what he is seeing. A soft smile appeared on my lips just as I tightened the tie of my silk robe that I was wearing today, I had to take some courage to walk from the bed to the closet of this man just to find that robe I can wear with wobbly and very sore legs. I couldn't help but pin all the blame in the man lying on the bed just a few meters away from me, he's the main reason why I'm this sore and why he's still sleeping at this point.

“You woke up quite early”

Came his very deep and husky morning voice, his curly long hair was sprawled all over the pillow. He lifted his arm to position his neck, supporting it just as he tries to find a more better view and angle to look at me. If I am not sore and this tired this morning I think I would've probably end up straddling him at this point and then making endless sweet love with him just the way he wanted it, slow yet passionate just so we can feel each other more. He's looking ever so hot and delicious but before I could sin more and become practically a couch potato because of my legs, I made such lengths to control my damn mind not to turn to him in arousal.

“And you woke up quite late, I can’t believe my rose would get delayed” I puffed while crossing my arms on my chest, instinctively I quickly walked to the other side of the room the minute I saw Shawn standing up from the bed and is making his way to me.

“Sorry señorita, I was simply recharging my used energy last night. I cant keep my hands off of you”

If he ever gets ahold of me then we'd end up staying in bed for almost a day or more, it's one guarantee and I'm sure we'll do that as we've been there and done that. Never really a good option when you're with family and other friends here in the house, but Shawn was still never compromised as he's so thick skinned that he doesn't care even if we make out or really almost do it I front of their friends like they're watching live porno. He's one sex addict ad him taking me anytime of the day and even at the midnight is one evidence of that.

Thank goodness, I'm even shocked I'm still alive. I thought I would've already ended up in the ER or something... like... yeah, the sex sent me to the ER. I'm thankful Shawn still hasn't brought me to that level so he's still pretty sane even thought I think just 10% more.

“You better need to control them or else you’ll go crazy about me” I spoke, really trying to keep my distance to him since I know very well that if he touches me then this day will never end good. Shawn seemed to catch what I was doing yet also found amusement on it, his lips curved into a smirk before he raises his hands up and made his way back to the bed. His eyes were still glued on me the whole time as I unconsciously stood still, quite surprised to see him not doing anything to touch me...

He's doing a good controlling to himself which was white extraordinary and weird. If he can actually fucking do that then why today and not the last few days?! I was so sore this whole week and yet this is just the time he decided to control his urges?!

“I don’t care, as long as I have you I wouldn’t care of any other thing”

And then that again. I don't know if it was just me or if it was Shawn but lately he's been into riddles more and more. He's been saying weird cheesy things I sometimes couldn't understand unless I try learning what he's thinking or read his mind, either way we all know I can't do that thing. He's been saying words like that here and there, whispering them to me or just subtly dropping them as if they were hints to secret a treasure.

But whatever it is, I need to know what he's telling me and what he wanted for me to know. I still have much time before I will have to do the final verdict as I'm sure no one will dare suspect me as an assassin when I am just his woman and also now a friend.

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