~The Law and The Rose~

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Camila's P.O.V.

I sighed in relief feeling like I’ve had the best sleep of my life for the past 3 weeks that I’ve been stressed, this feels like I had been sleeping for almost a week with my body now being well rested and away from the stress. To add to my comfort the morning breeze woke me up in the best way possible along with the warm sunlight I’ve always fell in love with in the mornings followed by the certain presence of warmth coming from someone in particular behind me.

A strong thick arm was wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer to his warm and bare body that was keeping me comfy and safe. I didn’t have to turn around to check on who this guy is because based from his shirt resting on the corner of my bed, I really know who this man is behind me. For months now he’s been doing this, coming to my house early in the morning just to dose off for a few minutes and then he’d go to work as if nothing had happened.

Shifting slowly, I raised his strong arm a few inches in the air just so I could turn my whole body around in order to face him. I was immediately greeted by his bare and shredded chest, his masculine sandalwood scent already became a normal perfume for me in the morning seeing how much tight he holds me close in his arms. I couldn’t help but smile, seeing how handsome he looked even when he’s still sleeping, I ran my hand caressing his cheek even if I hated those short stubbles on his chin I kept telling him to get rid of.

"Good morning Sergeant" A deep husky voice rang in my ear indicating that this man before me is finally awake, his grip tightened its hold on my waist pulling me closer to him. It was almost he wanted all the space between us to vanish but of course it’s highly impossible.

I couldn’t contain mu chuckle hearing how he called me his ‘sergeant’ again, it’s actually a joke between the both of us because whenever we argue it would always be me who keep winning. In the end he decided to call me ‘sergeant’ as his endearing nickname to me, his boss in other terms actually.

"Good morning handsome detective" I greeted back with a smile, having him in my arms couldn’t make me feel that much angry at him even if I really wanted to.

Somehow with his angelic smile my temper would always go down until its level zero, I’d always want to shout that him for what he’s doing but whenever I look at him his cute puppy like face always gets ahead of me. The devil inside me was again defeated by the angel hiding beneath the good man whom I call my fiancé.

No other were exchanged between the both of us before he leaned in for a small sweet kiss on my forehead. It’s a protocol might I just boast to everyone, it’s his mandatory assignment and he should be doing this everyday whenever he meets me.

Just then Jesse suddenly stood up from the bed not even ashamed of what he did, the guy, right here just stripped off his shirt and jeans then climbed to bed with me earlier this morning. At this moment he’s just casually acting as if he did nothing wrong at all, he took his shirt from my bed and wore it, zipping his jeans up as well.

I on the other hand just smiled softly seeing how crazy he is, grabbing the comfy fluffy mattress I have, I covered myself who is just wearing my undies as I sleep. Sometimes I wear my nightgown but it never was the best for me, I feel really uncomfortable so I usually sleep with just my panties and a bra.

"Why do you keep joining me in bed in the morning? And even taking your jeans off? Are you planning to scare Hilda to death seeing the both of us like this?"

"Actually it's the other way around, I was trying to do that to Catalina and to Alonzo" He smirked… wow, the nerve of him really.

Jesse had been going crazy these past few months since he met me, he’d come here early in the morning just to make him be the first on I’ll be able to see in the morning. Somehow Papa was not against him because he trusted him so much with me, they’ve known each other for so long so he doesn’t see anything bad with Jesse coming over for me. I don’t have a problem with that as well since his warmth is like an alarm clock to me, I easily wake up whenever he’s right there by my side.

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