~The Second Test~

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Camila's P.O.V.

I opened my eyes meeting the warm rays of the sun directly shining on me, the once cold morning suddenly turned a bit warm today causing me to snuggle close to my comfy and very warm pillow. My nose caught a swift scent of someone in particular and arms were tightening around my waist, my legs were tangled under the sheets and with another pair of long legs making me remember what had happened yesterday.

Instantly I opened my eyes to meet the most handsome yet cute face I've ever seen, Shawn's hair was so disheveled, pointing into different directions with his warm eyes closed and him breathing deeply. His as were wrapped around me as I had just realized that I actually was lying on top of him, I guess he maneuvered me last night so he can lie properly on his back and not on his back. He looks like a child with his lips slightly puckered, his cheeks were slightly tinted due to the warm presence in the room.

Yesterday was something quite special as I can say. Sure, I was still a bit upset, actually I was literally really upset with him then because of the reason that he left me in the middle of the room right after kissing me before everyone in the room but with all the things he took me to, he made me feel and treated me, I feel like I still haven't known him that well. I feel like he was literally Shawn and not Peter, not the son of a mafia, not the man I am supposed to kill or whatsoever, he was just Shawn... the little boy who ensured Taylor to protect me even with his small words like that, he didn't directly told him that but he told Taylor not to hurt me which to me means the same thing.

The way Shawn made me feel about him yesterday was very confusing, somehow I thought he would do everything in order to take advantage of me, to hurt me and all because that's how mafia men are usually portrayed, they're ruthless and evil and very self-centered. But with Shawn... instead of being like that, he kept giving me signs and instances where in he'd be willing to wait for me, he'd choose me and all which was very confusing in my part. Nonetheless, I was thankful that he didn't force me to do anything I didn't want.

Him taking me to the garden and the place where he enjoys the beauty of the nature is definitely something, knowing him he'll never try to let someone come inside his life. He's mysterious, confusing and unreadable but at this minute, yesterday, he showed me a new side of him and me in his life which I shouldn't have done. Somehow, there's this kind of relationship going on between the both of us, not the romantic relationship but the relationship wherein we both try to let each other in our lives.

There was something hard pressed against the lower part of my belly which I'm pretty sure what it is at this moment, a blush appeared on my cheeks knowing how hot and bothered I get whenever his arousal was pressed against me at this moment. One wrong move from me I think his man will wake up and as well as this man who is still sleeping underneath me. Not that I mind though but I definitely think he's still asking for more even from what we did last night. And speaking of that, I just really loved our bathtub moment where we got to really talk in deeply about what we think of each other.

I slowly lifted myself up from him, putting my arms on either side of Shawn, I released my every might and power to move slowly and silently as I could just not to wake him up. My head was situated on his chest, somehow with my height this ends up happening so I wasn't that much surprised. Slowly, I lied down on top of him again but this time my chest is pressed up against his and our nose touching each other, without letting any minute pass I pressed my lips on his, licking and butting them with my eyes closed.

This somehow looks like me forcing him, like forcing myself to him but in reality I know for sure he'll actually really like this. True to my assumption, his arms tightened against me with one of them slowly tugging on my hair as he started kissing back, his other hand traveled downwards more where he rested it on my butt and started squeezing them. A moan came out from me as his tongue was skillfully licking me all over, I admit this was such a huge turn on especially with him running his hands on my long hair.

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