~The Party Crasher~

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Camila's P.O.V.

“It’s nice to meet you Mr. Halstead, your stories are just purely amazing but I believe Ms. Karla here is getting quite thirsty”

It took me just a second to understand what Matt was doing, I turned my attention slightly to my right and found Shawn slowly making his way towards us. Jesse's eyes remained firmly on me but it held conviction and reminder for me to do what I have to do...

“Well then, I’ll see you around Ms. Rojas” Jesse spoke, extending his hand asking me for a handshake. It's one way of him asking me if I will do my task and if I hold his hand, it means I will say yes and finish this mission that I have.

If I hold his hand, I would have to need to kill Shawn... So I can go back home...

But he is my home...

“We will indeed Mr. Halstead” But I have to take his hand the minute I saw Shawn quickly making his way towards us, it was only a brief second before he walked away and then Shawn came to my side. Jesse gave one quick look on me before heading out of the room, disappearing the minute several people were now heading inside the room.

“How are you?” Shawn pressed a small kiss on my forehead the minute I turned to give him a small smile, he wrapped his arms around me tightly just as I caught him looking through the crowd as if he's checking for something.

“I’m doing good, met some men here which Matt said are some of your friends”

“I did see you talking, thank you Matt for accompanying my queen” There was something different with the way Shawn said those words, I didn't miss the way he and Matt were gazing into each other's eyes with a pointed look that somehow made me worry. They're talking telepathically again...

“The pleasure is mine Shawn, she’s also our queen not just yours”

“Of course, how can I forget?”

What was that supposed to mean?

“Oh here you are Matt, we’ve been looking for you since earlier where have you disappeared to?” In the middle of their staring contest, Taylor, Connor, Jordan and Aaliyah came together. Taylor pulled Matt in for a hug, making him break the stare for a moment which slightly calmed me down.

“You look beautiful madame, I say Shawn is really lucky to have you” Taylor greeted me, only a chuckle came out of me seeing how playful he is.

“We’ve seen her earlier and gave compliments yet you still give compliments to her again?” Aaliyah asked which caused snickers to come from the guys, Jordan was pulling her close to him with his hands caressing his shoulder and waist.

“That’s how Shawn does it, what’s the difference with me?”

“We’ll go around and try hooking up with some girls, if you’ll excuse us” Connor muttered with a smile before pulling the two men away from us, leaving the couple to stay for a few minutes. Boys will be boys...

“You’re the only one who’s hooking up and not us!” Jordan answered before pulling Aaliyah somewhere, now it was just Shawn and I standing here. I wasn't looking at him earlier and focused my attention on the men before us, but the minute I turned to look at him he was staring at me as if he wanted to tell me something again. That's the look he does all the time but he doesn't say anything on what he wanted to tell me, he'd always lie and stop himself.

“You’re doing that look again”

“The one that says I want to eat you?” I punched him slightly on his chest just as he slowly pulled me in the middle of the room, several people, Mr. Evans' friends including him and his wife were dancing in the middle of the room. I felt my cheeks reddening hearing what he had said in front of these people who might've heard us saying those words.

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