~The Fallen Identity~

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Camila's P.O.V.

My heart was beating so fast just as I met those brown orbs staring right back at me. I couldn’t stop myself from bursting out into a smile seeing him looking so dashing and handsome wearing that black shirt and suit. His handsome complexion seemed to be highlighted more, he let his long curly hair fall on his face naturally as I think he’s trying to try out a man bun. He was looking so handsome even from this far view, I fear that maybe I may have a heart attack the minute he starts walking towards me to ask me for a dance.

He seemed to hypnotize me with his stares, it feels like he was talking to me, almost undressing me as his eyes moved up and down of my body. I had to stop the urge to run to him at this point and just pull him over the side to do nothing but kiss him and roam my hands around his body just a she does with mine. I could see whatever he was thinking in his eyes, he was expressing himself with everything, letting me see what he wanted to do to me…

Just then our stares got broken the minute someone turned to him, I looked at the people beside him expecting to see our fellow friends but I stilled the minute my eyes managed to fall upon a woman standing beside him. They seemed to be talking closely, very closely as the woman leveled her lips to his ear, whispering something. I couldn’t help but feel slightly dejected, feel slightly annoyed seeing him interacting with another woman just when I was right infront of him.

Without a word then Peter slowly made his way close to me, his eyes never leaving mine this time making my heart race just the same as earlier. There was no way I was feeling jealousy earlier, I had no right and I have no reason at all, it was all manifestation of annoyed reaction seeing him focusing on other women than me. He should only be looking at me and no one else…

"Wow" Came his reply the minute he appeared before me. A faint blush appeared on my cheeks hearing him praising me, it might be just a word of exclamation but it was already too much compliment combined for me. Those words were already representing all possible compliments that I couldn’t help but feel so good hearing even just that kind of word.

Peter stood infront of me looking as handsome as ever, my heart did make a mini heart attack as it kept beating softly and then fastly in just a second. I couldn’t believe how handsome he is seeing him wear this fine suit, I do like seeing him in black but this black suit he’s wearing at this moment is something more alluring and defining a man more. He looked hot and sexy combined which can really give any woman a heart attack.

"You look handsome, dashing even" I couldn’t almost find the right exact words to tell him because my mind was still in some sort of a mess though I’m thankful that those two words were still imprinted in my mind

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"You look handsome, dashing even" I couldn’t almost find the right exact words to tell him because my mind was still in some sort of a mess though I’m thankful that those two words were still imprinted in my mind. It’s quite rude to not say anything back especially with such a compliment like that.

"Red suits you so well, you look so beautiful"

I never really liked red, not at all seeing how vibrant and how attention seeking it is. I never liked how much it can make a woman look different, change her aura the minute she wears them or even just puts it on as a make-up. Usually I would hate that color but at this moment I feel like my hate was slowly being changed into a like, I can’t help but fall for the color as well seeing how this dress fits me so much.

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