~The Señorita~

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Camila’s P.O.V.

Right after beating up the men earlier Dr. Nick made sure to accompany me to the room where I would be staying, there was an empty room at the end of the west wing, on where there was a small room but it seemed to be the biggest among the rest seeing how the door seemed a bit far from the last room before it. John insisted wanting to stay beside me all the time but I gave him the look since Nick might start getting suspicious about what was happening and on who I really am.

The room was very cozy, it might not be the same size as the room I had and the bed clearly isn’t as comfy as the one I had at home but I know that I can survive this. There was a window right beside the bed giving in much more light inside the room, I actually loved seeing the sun, it made me feel free, made me feel that I will never be lost with it since it provides warmth and happiness to me.

 There was a window right beside the bed giving in much more light inside the room, I actually loved seeing the sun, it made me feel free, made me feel that I will never be lost with it since it provides warmth and happiness to me

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There were no other men living in one of these rooms in my side, they all were in the east wing and are still tending to their broken bones. I guess Dr. Nick made in some new arrangements or probably one of their boss managed to set a new rule now that I think they have managed to inform them that I am here. John told me that his boss, the man I came here to meet is still busy meeting a new client, there’s no way Nick might’ve informed him about my arrival but I think he will indeed see my arrival as something he should definitely worry about.

No woman has been in this gang for so many years, hearing me arriving, hearing me entering this gang would definitely take a turn on him and he’ll want to meet me as soon as possible. There’s no denying that for sure.

Dinner was served personally by Dr. Nick, I’m pretty sure they’re starting to investigate about me together with two more men I’ve seen trying to check on me earlier. I’ve heard their voices outside the door but it seemed like they were still pretty careful about making their presence be known by me as they were whispering among themselves just as what Dr. Nick did. John is also being investigated since he was the one who brought me here, for sure he’s separated from me because of that same reason.

At this moment it’s night time and the hallway was so silent, of course I am the only one in this wing but based from what I could see from this room, the men are being trained the same way military men are also being trained. They have a specific time of sleeping but there are no guards to watch them, it’s their own way of training them and implementing discipline to these men.

In the past I enjoyed being along in my room, I’ve always tried locking myself one time and choosing not to get out from my room since I have nowhere else to go anyway. During those times I’ll just lie on bed, cover myself with the comforters and sleep for the whole day… I wish I could do the same as of now but knowing that I am no longer in the gang who will protect me, I need to keep my guard up all the time. I couldn’t think properly, I didn’t want to spend the rest of the time sitting here, doing nothing and of course I couldn’t sleep at all no matter how much I try. There’s no way I would easily find my sleep in this kind of situation so I was still wide awake and was sitting on the bed for more than an hour.

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