~The Señor And Señora~

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Camila's P.O.V.

It's actually quite funny seeing how I was so against having children and having a family then when I was a part of the mafia when I actually really want to have kids of my own. I hated the thought of letting other children to experience the things I did, I didn't want them to live a miserable life like what I've been able to live where I would always worry if I was in danger and needed to have several people looking over me to protect me.

I didn't want them to experience the same thing I did, all the tears, the pain and the revenge that became a part of me but now, realizing everything, I think no matter what happens, whatever kind of life you have as long as you keep fighting for what you want then everything would end up being fine. I cannot say that it was a relief that I got away with the mafia at this time of life but I feel slightly thankful that there's no more danger that I should worry for.

I was still thankful for the fact that I was able to learn so many things in life by becoming a part of that mafia, half of my life I was fearing for the people who might come to hurt me and all the people I love but it was also the reason why I was able to fight back, to be strong and meet new people that are now a part of my family. In particular, my enemy them is now my family, my home, my husband and the father of my child.

3 years after having our second child which was a boy, we named him Kaden which means fighter. Shawn suggested that name given the fact that he looks so much like his father and the only thing he got from me was my nose, everything about Shawn is in Kaden almost as if he was a carbon copy of him. With just one look, I already know that he's going to be a heartbreaker and troublemaker by the time he grows up.

I expected a fair distribution of genes but I don't think it would ever happen to Shawn and I. Just months after giving birth to Kaden, I found myself pregnant again in which I really do think that Shawn was serious about having several children year by year. That luntic just gave me a year to rest before impregnating me with Kaden and then with Kaitlyn who by far is our youngest. Her name means pure, which I choose because with one look at her I was able to fall in love.

I have no idea honestly whom she resembles more, in my eyes I thought she was Shawn but in Shawn's eyes she looks like me. When I asked several of our families and friends, they said she actually resembles me and Shawn as different times and angles. Aleyna is now 5, Kaden is 2 and little Kaitlyn is just 1 year old, so far the three of them are getting long very well and Aleyna is loving the way she's being an older sister to two becoming very protective.

"Busy day dreaming about me?"

Turning to my side, I found myself looking in those lovely warm brown eyes of the man I love with our hands intertwined as he drove the car. There was a slight smirk on his handsome face, probably thinking that it was always him who was running inside my head nonstop when in fact he isn't...

Sorry to break it in to him but I love my children more and think about them more than this guy. I can live my life not being able to think about my husband but I'd really die worrying about how my children are doing when they're not by my side.

"Eyes on the road mister, might I remind you that we needed to head to the glass house fast so your royal children can eat Señor?" I muttered while checking from time to time the little baby in my arms who was sound asleep, her soft snores and babbles brought a smile to my lips as I pressed a soft kiss on her forehead.

The glass house that I was reffering to was the house at the forest, as I said previously, Connor was the one who I taking care of it now and lives there together with his now wife Madison and their 2 years old son who just celebrated his birthday a week ago. We wanted to come and celebrate it with them but I decided that his birthday would be more meaningful with his own parents so we just sent gifts and also gave him tickets to the amusement park where their son would love.

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