~The Poisonous Rose Garden~

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Camila’s P.O.V.


I’ve always loved that kind of color. The way how intense it is, the way it steals everyone’s attention even without doing anything. I loved looking at it, seeing how it symbolizes power and strength, it seems like if you are wearing that color you feel so confident and empowered. It’s quite funny how the color red can manage to change a person’s aura in just a second, it makes you a whole new different person.

Red roses are the favorite of my mother. Everyday I’d see her watering our garden, nourishing them with soil fertilizers and making sure that they would be shone by the warm and bright sunlight in order for them to grow and prosper. Sometimes I’d see my father bringing home red roses just only for Mama just because she was so obsessed and in love with them.

Because for Mama red means love.

There was a time in my life where I thought I could never look at red the same again. That I promised to myself I would only love that color if I am in love just like Mama. I never liked seeing bow intense it is, I don’t like other people’s attention to come to me because I never was that kind of woman. Red means love…

But red… also symbolizes blood.

Therefore red is black because after blood it is death. And that was what I exactly am craving for at this moment.

Standing before the long mirror in front of me, I looked at myself, admiring the new façade of boldness showed in my face. There was no stash of fear and innocence in them, it was as if I was a whole new complete different woman, no trail of me being that innocent and sweet young Camila.

Red was my new color.

Instead of wearing cute rosy colors, baby ones, I was now wearing red and black, something that can flaunt my curves and show more of my woman assets that I’ve never done before. It seemed like the old Camila had died and a new one was born, but fiercer, stronger and braver.

One that I wished I was years ago instead of being helpless and did nothing but cry for my mother. If only I knew that this is who it feels like to be powerful and great then I would’ve changed myself years ago. Because in that case I wouldn’t be this miserable, this heart broken and not a girl, I would’ve been a fierce and strong woman…

Not one who wanted revenge at this point.

I decided to wear a red plunging neckline, it partly covers my breasts but showcased my chest and my upper stomach. The skirt rests above my knee, just long enough to cover my butt. It was revealing I know and Papa would start to throw a fit but I know I have to make myself feel this comfortable knowing how this is my only way to come close to Peter. No man could ever reject a beautiful voluptuous woman is willing to obey him whenever he wants, a strong woman yet weak when it comes to him… that’s what I’ll be.

That’s who Karla is and not Camila…

“My daughter look so much beautiful” Came Papa’s first comment the moment I walked down the stairs, my newly painted nails were acting sophisticated as I made sure not to hold on the railings as I smiled warmly at them. I stopped at the foot of the stairs and looked expectantly at my father, waiting for him to come close to me knowing very well that he would do a bit of a drama tonight.

I took a drastic change in order for this mission, for my plan to be implemented. I had to create a new identity, someone so far from the sweet little Camila my father knew and so seeing me wearing something like this was so hard on his part. I know in his mind he’s fearing that he might lose me as I conduct the plan but I will assure him that he wouldn’t. I’m going to do everything in my might to stay alive and kill the people held liable for my mother’s death.

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