~The Second Traitor~

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Camila’s P.O.V.

A month…

That was all I asked for to my father in order for me to infiltrate into this group and to head with the plan. That was all the time I asked just so I can fully fulfill this plan of mine that I thought off when I was still young and naïve on how cruel this world can be. It was all the time I asked for thinking that it would just be the perfect time for me to do such thing but here I am now, trying to run away from everything including from the time.

I didn’t know how fast time can be and now I just felt like I was trapped. I have nowhere to run, no place to hide and so. Times flies so fast and now here I am, stuck in two worlds who has two different personalities I’m not even sure who’s the real me and who’s not. I betrayed all the people in my life, including myself…

I betrayed myself in saying I can kill for my mother when in fact it was something I couldn’t do. I betrayed myself several times by falling in love with the man I was supposed to kill. I betrayed myself several times by telling all the shipments Black Rose has to the police. I betrayed myself by helping and stitching up these people’s wounds who also are my friends now.

I am living a life where I am betraying myself all the time and so I don’t know who I am anymore. I’m not even sure which life is which… I am torn between two worlds that was ripping my heart and my soul apart. I don’t know which life I am living but I know one thing, I have to do something in order to escape this life and to put everything in its rightful place.

I am still my mother’s daughter and I need to do whatever I promised to do for her…

“You look so beautiful Karla” Aaliyah was the first one who saw me the minute I was making my way down the stairs were all of them were now waiting for me.

Shawn had been invited to a party of one of his grandfather’s friend, it is his and his wife’s golden 50 years of marriage anniversary and had decided to throw a party for such a beautiful event. Shawn, being who he is, didn’t have the heart to say no to such a fine gentleman according to Aaliyah and the rest of the boys. We had to of course come since that man was also what they both look up to with his kindness.

I was wearing a nude princess like gown that I personally picked when Aaliyah and I had shopping at the mall a week ago. It has a tube top embellished with flowers and vines which actually live up to my liking very well, it was a plain gown since I didn’t want to stand out unlike what Shawn did to me for the past few balls we’ve been. My hair had gotten longer so I figured out that I should braid them in order to match my look and the dress.

“Well, we do have a queen indeed” Taylor smiled proudly just as I already was standing in front of all them.

He’s here as he would be driving Jordan’s car where Aaliyah and Jordan will be riding on, Shawn doesn’t want him to drive at night especially at times like this when we’re heading to a private party. Taylor will be their back up and protector just in case and Aaliyah is always to be protected just as what was talked about since the first time.

All of a sudden, I could feel all of their eyes firmly planted on me. It was like I was a masterpiece being admired by these people who was just marveling at my beauty and then there’s this one guy who wanted to own me all to himself. I know that look and I know that guy… I think everyone knows him.

With my clothes on and everything covering my body, his gaze just makes it look like he was stripping me. Undressing every part of me making me very vulnerable and weak like a prey. Shawn had been doing that look all the time and once, for sure we all know what will happen later on at midnight as his gaze to me tells it all.

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