~The Wrath of Black Rose~ (Shawn)

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Shawn’s P.O.V.

The minute I woke up, as usual I made my way to the garden to pick up one black baccara rose that mother really wants. It was actually such a shame that we weren’t able to plant this kind of rose when she was still here, if only we had found this kind of rose then she would’ve loved admiring these garden as well. I picked one rose that was in full bloom, the red and black hues were in different parts all the time, at this moment the red one seemed to cover partly of the flower unlike the first time I gave her which was partly black.

She was sleeping ever so peacefully inside her room, her long curly hair were sprawled all over the bed which I’m sure she’d have a hard time combing when she wakes up. She’s completely different when she’s sleeping compared to when she was awake, she’s feisty and hot when awake, one that can easily kill you like a mad cat if ever you try to annoy the hell out of her. But right now she’s like an angel, a tamed cute kitten that’s very harmless and all you just want to do with her is to cuddle her and shower with nothing but love.

My hand automatically caressed her cheeks, giving her subtle affection that I’m sure she wouldn’t let me do when she’s awake. She might act fine and all with me touching her but I know she hates it whenever I try to flirt with her, she’s flirting with the same intensity but I could see the feisty and annoyed attitude she has bottled up inside though her eyes. She might think she’s having a good façade but I can still see right through her.

Placing a soft kiss on her forehead, I decided to leave her even if I didn’t want to just so I could finally head on with my jog. Morning exercises weren’t really my thing then, usually I’d just keep on sleeping and all but I realized that I should also take care of my body not because I should flaunt them for other woman to fall for me but also for me to fight back and have a healthy body in order to defend myself. I was trained by Matt and Taylor since I was young, since I was in my teens, I’d often skip them but I learned that it’s for my own safety.

My normal routine seemed normal not until I managed to find my woman sitting on the couch outside the house with a blanket draped around her to protect her from the cold breeze. She was sipping a cup of something hot but I’m sure it might not be tea or coffee from the small childlike happiness in her eyes. I smiled right away, my whole body which was exhausted was now replenished with new energy just by seeing her looking so radiant and beautiful in front of me.

She greeted me with her native language as she stood up from the couch, the warm blanket was still covering her small body making her look like a dwarf and me a giant now that she’s standing beside me. I didn’t waste any time pulling her in my arms, wanting to feel her close to my body and greeted him back with my knowledge in her said language surprising her the least. I easily pressed my lips on her forehead, loving the way she smiled at me as I raked her hand with my fingers.

I love having her in my arms, feeling every inch of her body pressed against mine and those beautiful bright eyes looking up at me with much astonishment, she seemed to be really interested in getting to know me as I realized she’s bringing up topics about me. As much as I want her in my arms, I also need to wipe off my sweat but I didn’t want to let go of her, so the only thing I could think of is to just run the towel on my hair since it’s a bit wet now. This action seemed to make Karla a bit concerned, she immediately took the towel from my hand and started wiping each part of my body he could touch. I, on the other hand couldn’t just help but admire he the whole time, she seemed to be doing things rationally but she herself looked like she was shocked with what she was doing.

She doesn’t know how crazy I actually am for her. All I wanted to do was to keep her in my arms and shower her nonstop with kisses and cuddles, though I know it would look and appear ridiculous in front of everyone but I don’t risk doing that if it’s all for Karla. I was more surprised the minute she offered me her newly made hot cocoa, I can’t seem to picture her being a good chef in the kitchen but I guess I could somehow see her standing in the kitchen barefoot as her belly carries the offspring of our love.

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