~The Laughters in Black Rose~

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Camila's P.O.V.

"Good morning señorita, sorry I wasn't there the minute you woke up because I had some errands to do. Believe me I tried to cancel everything today just to be with you but Connor gave me evil remarks and forced me to go to work. I hope you're feeling okay now, I can't wait to see you later"

That together with a black rose were the ones that greeted me the moment I opened my eyes this morning, the sun was already up and is blazing at me from the window seemingly trying to tell me that I already had overslept for so long. Seeing the brightness and color of the sky I know that it’s close to the afternoon now, the clanking sounds downstairs seemed to also taunt me as I’m sure it came from the one and only Connor Brashier.

Sitting up on the bed, I couldn’t help but remember what Peter and I did last night on his very bed when he tried making me realize something very important about me. There was a faint blush on my face as I looked up at the mirror somehow remembering how I looked yesterday when I was humping him with our crotch in contact with each other. I still remember how hard he is beneath me when I was ridding him, my cheeks flushed red in pure pleasure and nervousness as I kept throwing my head back with moans coming out of me.

Oh my goodness! I can’t believe I actually was able to do such thing like that in my whole life! I was the one doing all the work and it was making my body feel like fire was lit and burning each part of me.

I couldn’t help but squirm on the bed, shaking my head and closing my eyes now and then just so I could forget about that scenario in my head. There was a pool of wetness in my panties again and I don’t want to be reminded of that at all in such an early morning like this, thank goodness Peter isn’t here or else I’m sure he might tease me or make fun of what had happened between the two of us last night. For sure he would have a big smirk or even a glint in his eyes the moment he sees me opening my eyes, I don’t want to be teased in such early morning.

But half of me also expected and hoped to see him also lying beside me, I was thinking that he would be there the minute I open my eyes since he told me he’d be practically cancelling his schedule just for me. Although I was still shy to face him because I felt like I had lost control of myself last night, I wanted to somehow see his reaction today. What if he regrets what happened? Would he avoid me just like yesterday? Will he even look at me the same as last night? I couldn’t help but think about those thoughts over and over again…

But I’m sure he didn’t, the look of care in his eyes dominated his whole features. He took care of me even though I didn’t expect him to, last night he showed me to caring and gentle he is… for that I’m so thankful of him because he didn’t make me feel as if I was violated, as if I had used him or vice versa and so. He held me in his arms, holding me so close and safe…

"Good morning!" I greeted the two boys downstairs, it was just Connor and Dr. Nick who were busy chatting at the kitchen as I came down. There were no signs of Matt nor even Taylor which was quite surprising for me today as I’m not used to seeing this man all alone without the two.

“Someone woke up late” Connor taunted, his voice was one of those disappointed yet annoyed father when he found out that his daughter was actually wasted last night. He didn’t meet my eye and kept on cooking what I presume is lunch since it’s already 10:30 now…

I enjoyed sleeping for that long?! I just slept for the whole day yesterday so I thought I would wake up early today but I guess I was wrong, very very wrong. Goodness no wonder my back hurts so bad.

"Good morning madame, something eventful seemed to happen last night" Dr. Nick commented just as I went my way to greet him with a small smile, my heart thumped fast as I turned to look at him with denial and confusion evident on my face.

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