~The Guns And Roses~

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Camila's P.O.V.

Spending the night here in Black Rose was probably one thing I’m dreading to do. Being with the people who have had killed your own mother, spending a night all alone with them might probably be the most traumatic and stressful experience that I could feel. There’s this fear that what if I close my eyes in the middle of the night and see them lurking in the dark, I fear that maybe they would kill me just like how ruthless I think they are.

There’s this fear that maybe Peter was just acting cool and friendly in order to lure me and caught me off guard and just like that, maybe it was his plan to let me let my guard down and then he’ll try killing me. At first I didn’t want to sleep, I refuse to even close my eyes for just a second thinking that he might attack me but the moment the nights deepened, so did my eyes got droopy. Even if I refused to sleep and be comfortable around this place my body refuses to comply with what I want.

Bright sun rays fully entered the room, waking me up from a one good nap that I managed to have for hours. In all honesty I actually was able to have a good night sleep in this place, the fear of being killed were placed now in the back of my head seeing how I managed to survive for a night. Even for just a night it felt like it was already a successful undercover for me.

The bed was just as soft as the one I had in my bedroom, the pillows were as soft and comfortable as well. I even loved the mattress seeing how warm they are in this kind of place. Since there were no blinds, obviously I was awaken by the bright and warm sunrays that was fully shinning on me. The room felt a bit hot with such temperature but then my annoyance with the no blinds nor curtains attitude came to a stop the moment my eyes finally came in contact with the beautiful scenery outside.

I was beyond speechless witnessing the beautiful sunrise that’s slowly happening at this point, the red orange skyline looked more than breathtaking than any other thing. I felt like I was actually floating into beautiful scenery, this house literally seemed like a dream come true, as if we were already in heaven. I can’t believe I would have to keep seeing such things like this, seeing this marvelous sight the moment I woke up and before I sleep.

It took me more time before I finally was able to get up from bed, as much as I still want to sleep I know I still should have my guard up every time since these people might just be acting. My eyes flew to roam around the room, checking anything weird that I may have not noticed nor scanned yesterday seeing how Peter was all over me and was watching my every move. It was just a huge surprise on me to see a black rose, literally a black one that was resting on my nightstand.

It definitely wasn’t there yesterday before I slept which means someone just got into my room earlier today. I was fast to start searching for possible things that someone had implanted on my room, probably a gun, a bullet or even a bomb that will certainly kill me without me knowing, But none. The same empty cabinet was still empty, the bathroom which was filled with beauty and bath essentials are still the same.

A thought that maybe no one else was in the house today. Maybe they all had left me here since there were no noise at the first floor nor even here in the second floor, I immediately looked around the house, firstly checking on the second floor just in case someone might still be here. There were no much people in the west wing but I did manage to find two bedrooms that seemed to have been occupied. In one room there was a big teddy bear on the bed, there were also lights on the ceiling, definitely a room of a girl.

The other one was just a plain room that no one would think it was being used if it weren’t for the used clothes that were still in the laundry. Connor’s room, I believe is what I managed to find as well, I’ve seen several suits in his cabinet, one that matches his style. They all are in the west wing which made me know that I still have yet to meet the owners of the two other rooms in this house.

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