~The Bonfire Welcome~

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Camila’s P.O.V.

“Wake up girl! It’s already 10 in the morning!”

Aaliyah’s loud voice woke me up in the morning at such a very annoying time, clearly every cell of my body is still in its sleeping mode and yet here she is actually becoming like an alarm clock early in the morning. I could feel my side of the bed bouncing as I only growled and covered my head with the pillow I have, Aaliyah did nothing but only annoyed the heck out of me even up till day.

“Exactly it’s 10 in the morning and yet you’re very noisy. What the heck is wrong with you?” Feeling totally awaken now, I turned my head to Aaliyah who was now sitting prettily beside me as if she did nothing wrong at all. I had the urge to throw the pillow to her but being the angel I am, I just rolled my eyes and tried to go back to sleep even though it would totally be the last thing I would be able to do.

I was fucking awake now so how am I supposed to head back to sleep right away?

“Come on! Get your ass off bed and I’m praying that these sheets aren’t dirty, please tell me that”

That was the final straw, I sat up immediately and threw death glares at her as she made a very very disgusted look just by thinking that something happened between her brother and I. Of course it’s natural for her to feel disgusted by it but then again she was the one who practically shipped me with her brother! She even joked around with me during those times and then now she’s so disgusted?

“Nothing happened between Shawn and I yesterday” As in, nothing. NOTHING at all. No one crawled to me during midnight which I was surprised and slightly thankful about.

Shawn got busy yesterday with the shipments and so on so I had to stay at home together with Aaliyah and Jordan, I was basically just a third wheeler then, seeing them kissing and throwing cheesy jokes here and there which was awfully disgusting. It made me feel so sad knowing that Shawn wasn’t there with me to also comfort me and do the same thing to me, I almost puked but thank goodness I did not and had survived the day with them.

“But the other day and the next following days you both will and did?” She gasped dramatically as if it was the most annoying and disgusting she’s ever think off. If I really just have a bad temper I would’ve really been slapping her with the pillow or worse just even tackling her on the ground.

“Why are you even so annoyed and then excited the next second if Shawn and I had slept with each other or not?”

“I want a niece and Shawn wants a daughter”

Okay… That’s one hell of a request. What on earth is running inside that mind of hers to the point that she’s asking about nonetheless things like this? Where did this even came from? And she even made mention of Shawn? I’m sure he wants nothing like that!

There’s just no way in the world and at all… It’s hard imagining someone like him would want something that will make him vulnerable and soft, having a daughter would only make him someone weak just like what happened to Papa. He’s gone afraid to lose me… he’s gone afraid to lose so many things and Shawn doing and being the same thing is a no no for sure.

He’d never even want to have kids even if he tells me he does. He’s just trying to play with me knowing that I could already start trusting him the way he does with me. A daughter is a man’s most precious gift and possession and she is that one thing who can make him turn afraid and vulnerable.

“Well why don’t you have a daughter and give him a niece?” I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms over my chest as I hugged my comfy pillow. Aaliyah suddenly started walking around my room, seemingly trying to tease me more or just simply walk around because she couldn’t do anything much.

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