~{The Heartfelt Night}~

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Camila’s P.O.V.

“Shawn where are we going? What about Connor?” Shawn was frantically pulling me out of the house, holding me by my waist just as he was pulling me out of the sea of people. I could see everyone's eyes on us, Matt, Taylor, Connor and even the men of Alexandros as well as the few guests of Mr. Evans.

“He knows what’s going to happen” Shawn muttered on my ear, pressing a soft kiss on my temple before continuing to pull me out of the room. He brought me over to the car, one where we were riding on with Connor driving us to every place we needed to be. Seeing Shawn taking the original car keys from his pocket already made me know that he's planning to ditch this party and leave without even seeing Mr. Evans.

“What’s going to happen?”

My mind were swirling with nonstop questions at this moment, one was all about Alexandros and the other was now focused on Shawn. I couldn't understand which one should I be worried about, whether or not Alexandros does know my real identity and recognize me as the little girl who he had kidnapped before but failed to assassinate. Or worry about what the hell is Shawn's plan, he said these words several times before and even told me that the boys know the plan and I had no idea about that. They're planning something behind my back even though he told me several times that I should be involved, they were seemingly trying to cover up with plan by saying another, falsifying whatever plan he has just so I wouldn't know.

Shawn opened the passenger's door for me, tilting his head telling me to enter the car. The look is slight anger in his eyes brought me to become so confused, I never was afraid of him and I know I never would be because I trust him and I know he would never hurt me. But seeing him in this kind of state, seeing him looking like he's in such deep thought and slightly distracted I know I had to do something to calm him down as well even at the slightest second.

“Shawn please tell me what’s running inside your mind, I can’t understand you” I muttered softly, putting my hand on his shoulder and arm just as he was driving. Our speed was somehow quite fast and he seemed to be in such a hurry overtaking in all the cars that bare in the way while increasing the speed every minute. I was scared with what he's doing without telling me beforehand, I feel like we're going to actually crash into something with his fast speed but I have faith in him and I know that he'll be able to protect me even at times like this.

“How much do you trust me señorita?”

Shawn turned to me softly, his eyes weren't distracted no more and was directly looking at me as if he was waiting for my answer that will bring a smile to his face. I wasn't even scared seeing how he's not looking at the road with the fast speed we currently are in at this moment, I stilled in the spot for a minute before I understood what he was trying to do. This isn't just about him asking me how much I trust him, this isn't just about Shawn wanting to know how much I am willing to do everything he wants to me, this is him asking me if I would take all the risk in the whole world just to be with him.

This trust... is also the love...

“With all my heart Shawn, with everything I have and more”

I lost to everything... I lost with my own battle because at this moment I am already in love with the man I was supposed to kill. I lost with my fight, the fight to seek for justice and revenge for what his father did to me and especially to my mother. I lost to love and as funny as it may sound, I don't think I would ever regret falling for him even at the slightest millisecond in the whole world. I would never lose my love nor faith in him...

“Climb on my lap”

Okay... wait...

“You know you’re driving right?”

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