~The Mafia Leaders And Heirs~

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Shawn's P.O.V.

"Shit those are gunshots" Voight muttered the minute we suddenly heard several loud noises at the scene, Jesse was quick to turn his phone off but it didn't went past me about all the loud noises there.

"Take me to the port now Voight" I commanded, trying to calm myself down before calling Connor and informing him of what had happened. I don't think they will be safe if we both I filtrate the front so they will have to stay at the back and enter there, I think it'll be more safer compared to the front.

"Connor there had been gunshots fired at the scene, it'll be safer for the three of you to infiltrate the back while we will take the front"

"What?! We're heading there now, I'll try contacting Matt and Taylor-"

"Just head there first and try to find Camila, keep her safe no matter what happened the same way with my sister" I spoke hastily before dropping the call and running my hand over my hair. Worries and thoughts about Camila filled my mind and obviously I was so bothered by the things I've heard, I was just praying so earnestly that she should be safe because I don't know what I would be doing if ever something bad happens to her and our child.

"She's going to be alright Shawn, you know she's a fighter" Voight threw me a look, smiling softly to calm me down but I don't think it would be possible at this moment.

"I wouldn't ever forgive myself if something bad happens to the two of them, I can't let my father hurt her more especially my child"

"Do you really think that your father is a hopeless case?" He questions but my mind was so filled with worry that I didn't know what to think of anything else at this point. I was angry and anxious, worried and thrilled, I don't even know what I'm feeling at this point!

"I don't know what to think right now, all I know is that I have to protect the woman I love and our child and my sister. I just needed to know that they're safe for me to function properly"

"Everything's going to be alright Shawn, just calm down" I hope it is... I really hope that they're fine or else...

The moment we arrived there it seemed like no one was there, the whole place was swept clean but it was undeniable that there were several gunshots that can be heard here and there. Voight and I together with Tracy quickly infiltrated the scene and was shocked to see that several men of mine were just fighting off with Alonzo's men, they weren't using their guns other weapons to hurt but instead they're just tackling them down. The minute they saw me they were quick to change their minds and attacked those men who actually was trying to hurt and shoot Alonzo's people.

"Shit! They've gone deep inside! Locate Matt and Taylor right away!" I spoke to Voight while making sure to keep my guard up in case someone might attack me suddenly. The three of us quickly entered the building where more gunshots were heard inside, several men were fighting here and there but I sure do know that my father isn't here at this first floor.

"I can't see my father! Voight where are they?!"

"They're inside, your father quickly followed Sir. Alonzo inside" One man of mine spoke, trying to keep some men from shooting me and disarming them in just a second.

"Have you seen Camila? Where is she?"

"She's hiding at the second floor of the building, I think she ran deeper inside when the bullet started flying"

"None of them were answering including Nick, I can't trace anyone at all. We need to find her quick" Voight muttered while dropping his used bullet barrel and replacing them with news ones. I was about to head inside when one of my men suddenly stopped me as he turned to me with a worried look.

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