~The Shock At The Precinct~

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Camila's P.O.V.

Whatever happens in your life, you should never stop and just keep going. That was what Papa usually tell me, it was what he told me the moment we realized that Mama was gone and that she would never come back to us. Despite the pain, the sorrow and even if we felt like the world was ending we always should choose to go forward and never dwell to what will stop us, you can use that happening to become your guide to the path that you will take.

And right now, Shawn and I may be in two different paths but I'm sure that one day we'd both manage to find each other at an intersection that can unite us both. I'm sure that will happen one day because of this life that I am carrying. This little one will pave the path that will unite us both and I'm sure Shawn probably is trying his best to do whatever he can in order to protect us both.

Whatever his reason is for wanting me to hate him or for wanting me to get away from him, I know it's all for my safety and our child's. I may not know how dangerous my life was when I was with him since Alexandros can easily take me and kill me, now I am positive that Alexandros is planning to kill me as he revealed that he know my true identity. Shawn reacted violently to him, gripping my hand tighter in a way to seemingly protect me from his father.

Alexandros is the enemy here and no one else...

"Oh señorita, you woke up quite early" Someone's words brought me back to reality as I turned around and found Tia Catalina standing beside the door, she was carrying a glass of milk and the breakfast of fruity yet more on strawberry parfaits as it is what the pregnant lady craves for. Aside from that she also added 2 slices of bread to increase some carbs and of course my never ending favorite pasta that I really really won't like not having.

"And dressed up too, where are you planning to go at such an early hour? You still haven't eaten anything yet" Tia Catalina pointed out the minute she saw me wearing her favorite dress of me, I applied minimal make up in order to match my look and since I don't do that much I think I'm ready for the day. She placed the food on the bed and sat on the end, I made my way towards the food since I really had been craving for it since the moment I woke up.

"I'm planning to go to Jesse's precinct"

"You're going to talk to Jesse at such an early time? Do you miss him that much?" She asked with surprise on her face, clearly now it's been the 1st day of the wedding preparations.

I told them all last night at diner that I really want to get married but of course it would actually be Jesse and Tracy's. No one knew about my plan of making those two get married since I wasn't able to talk to Papa personally last night, I woke up very early to talk to him but then he was already out by the time I woke up. All of them were in a slight confusion, I think my words actually broke them as they seemed confused on what to feel with the news I told them.

Papa was fast to tell me that I don't have to make rational decisions, Jesse was also against the idea, all of them are since it definitely doesn't sit well that just because I was back and pregnant with another man's baby I'm going to marry my best friend and older brother. They tried reasoning to me in order to stop my thoughts from growing but I still insisted. In the end they all reluctantly said yes, even Papa and Jesse who might I add are still trying to convince me to postpone the wedding.

I really need to talk to Papa so we both can plan this scheme together, I don't think I can actually be able to handle Jesse and Tracy at the same time. They're both hard headed people not to mention they also are literally partners in solving crimes in the precinct so I'm gonna need a really powerful figure to make those two comply to the plan I have in mind. So much thrill and excitement is what I can feel at this point now that I'm going to start planning the surprise wedding without anyone knowing.

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