~The Black Thorns And Crystal Rage~

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Shawn's P.O.V.

I will end this once and for all…

If I needed to hurt my father or even shoot him in order for him to know that this shouldn’t happen at all I will do it just so this madness of him will finally stop. I won’t let him hurt more people especially Camila’s family, what he’s fighting for is something so absurd! They did nothing wrong to him! He was the one who did something wrong to that family so why is he trying to hurt them again?!

"Connor get out of my way" I muttered the minute I was already heading out of the house but Connor was standing there as if he was going to stop me.

Today is the most dreaded day as father will head over to meet Alonzo to finish this whole fight off, they left the mansion at dawn and locking me in the house for weeks until this very day came. They made sure to lock me inside where I couldn’t be able to escape and look for Camila, there were several men guarding the whole place and my friends, Connor, Matt and Nick were separated from me just in case they will help me to escape. Now it was only just Connor here giving me an advantage to escape but seeing how father all has a hand in them I might be able to not escape easily as I thought.

"I'm sorry Shawn but I can't let you go, direct orders-"

Direct orders?! I turned to him with a thundering gaze, if I want to and if I can I would’ve already killed him at this moment if he wouldn’t fix the way he was saying and doing to me. If he ever tries to stop me again telling that it was my father doing this I will surely forget the bond that we have even if it hurts and makes me feel sad.

"Who are you working for? Alexandros? The man whom you hate and promised to take him down with me because you're my friend and saw the way he treats people like animals. For years you were actually on my side so how come you suddenly chose to follow his order?" Connor is already a brother to me and seeing him following my own father’s orders just rips my heart into shreds… I can’t believe him…

"Get out of my way Connor" I started walking past him again but he was quick to stop me and push me back to where I was standing on earlier. He made sure that I will never be able to reach the door to where I would be able to have my escape.

"I can't let you go there, your life will be in danger" I don’t care! The woman I love is there together with our unborn child and my safety is more of what you’re worried about?!

"You said it yourself, there's a great possibility that Camila might be there and she'll end up being I'm danger than me when dad sees her"

"Matt, Taylor and all of our men are going to protect her-"

"Not when my father is barking orders! You know they wouldn't try to contradict the orders given to them because that means they'll die. Once dad sees them protecting Camila there's no way yes going to cease fire just like what you I think"

"You I really think your father is that evil?" A low and dangerous chuckle came from me, as funny as this whole situation looks like right now I couldn’t help but feel my anger raging in every part of my body as I looked at him with a glare.

"Don't try to make it look like you don't know what his capabilities. You of all people know what kind of a man he is, he's selfish and filled with anger, he's blinded by his guilt of what he did before so his pinpointing everything to that family who did nothing wrong!"

"The woman I love, the one carrying my child is going to go there at that port. Connor if you I won't let me go you know very well what will happen to them, they'd die Connor and as the father and lover of those people I cannot let that happen. They're my life, the one that keeps me going and sane so I wouldn't end up like him"

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