~The Thorns Of The Rose~

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Camila's P.O.V.

The moment I woke up I was a bit disappointed seeing how I was only in the arms of my teddy bear Snow, and not with Jesse. It wasn’t that much of a surprise since Jesse always told Aunt Hilda that if he wouldn’t be able to come in the mornings, she should put Snow bedside me just because he represents Jesse.

He’s my teddy bear… as in literally the life sized and moving one.

Jesse may act tough and a badass but once you really get to know the true him, you’d fall for him seeing how kind, good and incredibly handsome he can be. Although he acts very mischievous and a bully with me, he’s really a one of a kind man, any woman would be lucky to have someone like him but in this world, I do think that he’s better off with Tracy.

I had to stop myself from getting so so angry at him today, he wasn’t there when I woke up and to add fuel to my fire he kept blowing up my phone for 10 minutes! I kept declining his call since I wanted to head back to sleep but no, he didn’t give me what I want and instead kept calling me several times. I think he surpassed Papa’s missed call records in my phone, he’s gotten so crazy about waking me up at the right time or else I would be sleeping for the rest of the day which isn’t really good of my health.

"Is my piggy chubby bride awake now?" He chuckled, based on his background noise I think he’s in his unit and is very busy in doing paper works or in some way planning about what to do when they’re going to arrest someone today.

"Why aren't you in bed with me? I was hoping to wake up in your strong and warm arms but instead I woke up only to see Snow watching over me and hugging me. You know he does not give any warmth to me do you?"

Even though Jesse and I aren’t like those normal fiancés, we might not kiss each other in the lips and do sexual acts, we do share the same bed as he’s my teddy bear. He’s just really an older brother in my eyes and him, he sees me as his younger sister, we have no malice in seeing each other naked, giving kisses here and there and flirting cause I’m definitely sure that we aren’t attracted to each other.

I just, I guess it really just feels so good to be in the arms of someone you care.

When I was young Mama would always lie beside me whenever I wanted to sleep, she made me feel protected, safe, home. So it was really hard for me to adjust when she was gone, I never had anyone to hold me close to sleep, I never had anyone to hug whenever I feel scared. Papa never did that because I never let him just as Aunt Catalina, I never let anyone of them to hold me to sleep and it had always been Snow.

Now that I have Jesse, he made me feel safe, warm and protected. But somehow no matter how safe I feel with him, I know that I wasn’t home with him.

"I know, and I'm sorry for not being with you today. I was called in early for work but I definitely have the time to head out later in the afternoon, I wanted have lunch with you. Would that be cool?" I scoffed, his proposal sounded so inviting but let’s play hard to get as well. He knows I’m a hard woman to please so let’s give him a hard time even for just a few minutes.

"You let your bride wake up without having you by my side and yet you're asking me to commute and head out of the vicinity just to have lunch with you? I don't think that's right, you owe me a several hugs and kisses"

"Would Tracy coming compensate all those kisses? I don't think you'd want her to see us acting lovey dovey for lunch"

Oh my goodness, did I just heard that right? Tracy is having lunch with the both of us? She’ll be coming with us?!

This is like the best news I could have ever receive! This is such a good news for me! Sometimes I would ask Tracy to have lunch or dinner with Jesse and I, I know that she doesn’t mind me coming or being with them and she doesn’t mind coming along with Jesse and I but lately she’s been very busy at work. She’s very dedicated to her work and chooses do finish all her paper works up instead of partying, it actually is a pity since she’s not that very social but now that she’s given us the time I feel so relieved and happy.

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