~The Memorable Firsts~

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Camila’s P.O.V.

The familiar feeling of someone watching me in the night was seriously happening to me as days passes by, even if I have my eyes closed I can sense a presence inside my room and I don't think I would even need to open my eyes to know who he is. The side of my bed deepened, my body slightly sliding just as warmth appeared on my left side. At first I was slightly alarmed the first time I had felt that someone was looking at me in the darkness, I had my guard up completely but I still relied on my instincts to trust Shawn that no one else is going to hurt me and he'll not let anyone do it.

"Shawn?" I asked just as I fluttered my eyes open, his hand was now placed right on my cheek.

He was caressing me with his body slightly hovering on top of me, the small light coming from the open blazing fire on the wall created shadows yet it also illuminated half of his features in the darkness. His eyes bore into mine as if he was wanting to say something yet there's also something stopping him, I tried looking deeply in his eyes in hopes to read his mind but to no avail I am not lucky to find anything from him.

Yet I was sure of one thing... he's scared.

"You look beautiful Karla"

The low and deep voice coming from his enticed me and did nothing else, I could feel myself slightly shaking just by hearing that magic like voice coming from him. I had to press my legs shut together feeling the familiar heat and wetness forming in between my legs, his handsome look even in the shadows and half-light was even more hard to resist. My sleepy state was fucking gone because of those words coming from him and then now I am nothing but yearning for his touch.

"I swear what's with you and the midnight?" He's not Dracula or something is he? Because if he keeps waking me up and tiring me out at midnight I might not be able to even invite him over to my room anymore because my body needs freaking rest as well!

I had the pleasure of being a very naughty girl as I rolled my eyes to this man before me to express my slight annoyance. I really badly wanted my sleep at this point as I could feel my eyes stinging whenever I open them up, my vision isn't exactly that good at this moment as only blurred things are what I can see and the view is limited. It was at that moment that I realized I actually had cried myself to sleep probably just an hour or even just a few minutes go.

Memories of the past started haunting me at this moment yet I forced myself to forget about it just as I took deep breaths. With no other things in mind, I slowly slipped my hand on Shawn's boxers yet before I could do anything he immediately stopped me by grabbing my wrist. A gasp came out of me as I looked at him dead straight in the eye wondering what the hell was running in his mind, he never turns me down before nor sneaks into my room without no particular reason at all.

"Were not going to do anything tonight baby girl" He said causing me to slightly smirk, his hand quickly drew my hand from his boxers before silently looking at me for a few minutes. Just as I've said earlier, worry and bother was displayed in his eyes and at this moment he actually is having a hard time expressing it even to me.

"Funny how that endearment only appears whenever we both are naked and panting in need"

"Believe it or not but this time we're not doing anything at all. I just want you near me" There was a slight tremor in his voice, no matter how hard he tries to control it I know that I can hear fear in them and it is what's swirling inside his head for this moment.

I made me mention of what I could see and just let Shawn settle to a comfortable position beside me, he rests his whole body with him lying on his back. He raised his right arm before pulling me in towards him, letting me rest my head on his chest, our legs immediately tangled just as I wrapped my arms round him to have him somewhat slightly eased. His tensions in his muscles slowly eased up, he's getting calm get something is still bothering him just by judging the way how his heart pounds beneath me.

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