~The Bruised Affection~

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Camila's P.O.V.

Everything seemed to be normal the minute I woke up, the same sunrise greeted me the first thing in the morning as well as the soft and comfy comforters that makes me want to ha back to sleep. One thing that wasn't the same is that there were no rose placed on the nightstand beside me, I was hoping that when I open my eyes it would be the first thing I could see to just lift my mood up even for just a while. But there was none that I could see...

My heart was pounding softly, almost close to breaking just when I was filled with disappointment and heartbreak. But why am I even expecting to have a rose? He told me I deserve a rose everyday but that doesn't mean he would be giving me one everyday. Why did I even expect to receive them from a man like him? I can't understand him at all but somehow he managed to make me believe, to expect that I would be receiving one everyday...

What a very stupid girl Camila... A very stupid one, you knew better than that.

All of a sudden my stomach started grumbling, I might've had dinner last night with Connor's help but I was easily hungry ever since I was a child. Even with the dreading feeling, I managed to push myself up from the bed and dragged my feet since I don't feel like I have the energy to start the day for now. I just really couldn't feel alive, like be myself for today but I guess sooner or later into the day maybe I might get my energy back just as I wanted them to.

The minute I held the doorknob I knew that something was different, my heart was beating fast and something seemed to make me feel weird... It was at that point I decided to open the door and then gasp with a smile seeing the red and black rose that was lying on the floor. I could've stepped on it if I wasn't looking on the floor but seeing that made me smile immediately, I took the rose in my hand and placed them on the vase where the two roses were busy growing and blooming.

I was wrong then... Peter did care but he didn't just came inside my room to give me this. Maybe because he thinks I'm angry at him but it was actually the opposite, instantly my mood changed from the annoyed facade to the smiling one as I realized that I was jumping into things quickly than I should have.

"Good morning madame, did you have a good sleep?" Matt greeted me happily the minute I headed downstairs, he was on the couch having fun with Dr. Nick and Taylor who seemingly finds this house as their as well. Not that I mind having them here of course since this isn't my house but they should just live here if they keep heading here over and over again.

"Yeah, why are all of you here so early?"

"Well aside from we wanted to taste Connor's or your specialty in this early morning we forgot to tell you the real reason why we came here yesterday" Dr. Nick casually spoke as he was munching on the popcorn I'm sure Connor prepared for the three of them, its too early for the popcorn but I've been craving it as well so might as well ask one to Connor later on.

"Yeah, before Peter comes back and go on full blown make out with you making all of us uncomfortable again we would like to tell you that the men whom you kicked their asses out and gave them food for peace offering actually wanted to meet you for the second time"

"For another match?" I asked Taylor the minute he mentioned the men, from what I could remember they all were good in fighting, they have their potentials but their arrogance was more high than their skills so they still need to work on it.

"For a small dinner, they said they wanted to apologize for what they did and also wanted to thank you for popping their bones back as half of them already started healing"

Dinner really? I'm quite surprised they're even asking me for that, I mean I thought they hate me to their guts after what I did to them but now it's really a good thing to hear that they wanted to get to know me more. I managed to find Connor busily cleaning the kitchen right after giving the four their popcorn, Peter was no where to be seen but even if I didn't want to look for him I can't just help it really.

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