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It was the next morning, to say Jimin felt nervous was an understatement, what did Jungkook want to talk about? What did it have to do with him? And why the fuck was he agreeing to meeting him?

This all felt like a nightmare yet in some ways... a good dream? He wasn't even exactly sure why he felt that way, but he knows he owes Jungkook at least something after keeping so much from him.

He walked out the door quietly closing it behind him, Jin had already arrived a few minutes prior an exhausted look on his face.
Jin had told Namjoon about the situation and of course things went well, as he assumed he's around 9 weeks.

Jimin soon arrived at the park taking in the beautiful scenery around him. It was already May, but thankfully the weather wasn't too hot, being a nice moderate temperature each day. Today was especially nice also containing a slight breeze occasionally passing by.

He looked over to the bench in front of him noticing Jungkook already seated, also admiring the beautiful day. His eyes were closed, Andy his lips slightly parted as the breeze went through his dark locks.

Jimin breathed out slowly trying to calm any left over nerves, he wanted this conversation- whatever it was about to be mature as possible.

He jaunted over to the bench, slowly sitting beside Jungkook.

They both sat there in silence for a few seconds before Jungkook spoke up.

"Listen I don't want to scare you okay, can you just listen to everything I have to say?" Jungkook urged, tying to make his voice comforting as possible.

"Okay..." Jimin whispered, even though Jungkook's tone was kind, the words weren't very reassuring.

"That day at the Convenience store, I was uh really worried about you... when you went to the back I followed you a bit, I was just really worried, but I caught you on the phone with your son I'm guessing... listen I hate to ask this...b-but is he mine?"

Jimin sat frozen, his breathing didn't increase, the numbness didn't immense, he didn't start crying he just couldn't move.

"Jimin please tell me..." Jungkook lamented

Jimin wanted to cry, he truly did, but no tears were coming out. He didn't even know what to say, should he lie...no he can't do that...but can he even bring himself to be truthful.

"I- uh J-Jungkook I'm sorry please don't b-be mad at me I..."

Jungkook sighed, "Jimin I didn't come here to yell at you I'm not going to, yes I'm angry but I'm here to talk things out okay...just explain everything you feel like you can say."

There it was the kind understanding Jungkook, the one who was there during their entire relationship, the one he tried to remember, tried to pretend him saying their relationship meant nothing in the end wasn't real.

"W-well about two weeks after you left I-uh found out I was pregnant, I just didn't want to ruin your life...you had already started college...and maybe even if I told you, it wouldn't of made a difference anywa-"

Jungkook quickly interrupted him, "That's not true." He snapped... but looked away remembering his promise to listen.

"Sorry continue..." he mumbled

"So I just decided to keep him and go with it I guess, I got kicked out when I told my parents but Jin helped me out, in the end I was alright."

Jungkook nodded at his words slight smile on his face knowing things could have been worse for Jimin but at least his brother was there for him.

"Can you tell me everything about him?"

Jimin tilted his head confused then made an o shape with his face realizing he meant Jeonsan.

"Y-yeah... his name is Jeonsan, he's a bit older than two, he's very shy, h-he looks a lot like you I can tell you that much, he's super clingy but I never mind, overall just the sweetest, and h-" 

Jimin looked over to see tears slowly falling down Jungkook's face. He sniffled and gave Jimin a pleading look,

"Please let me meet him."

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