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If you're reading this I hope you have an amazing day...or night ❤️

It was Jeonsan's birthday. Jimin didn't have much of any planning to worry about, he didn't know if he should feel bad about that, Jeonsan was 3 now, should he have friends at that age?

Jimin only had his brother and then of course Namjoon, but besides that the other people cut him off once they found out he was pregnant at 16.

Despite all of that he wanted Jeonsan's birthday to be perfect. He got up early and started making a cake, humming a sweet tune to himself as he did, tapping his foot lightly against the floor.

His breath hitched when he felt strong arms wrapping around his waist. He angled his head up, receiving a soft kiss pressed against his cheek. "Why are you up so early?" Jungkook asked, voice holding a rasp to it as he had just woken up.

"I have to make this cake," Jimin sighed tiredly. he hadn't gotten much sleep last night, feeling so uncomfortable and utterly nauseous throughout the night.

"Hey...how about I do it?" Jungkook suggested while grinning, pulling Jimin away from the counter. Jimin giggled while shaking his head,
"But you can't bake."

"Heyyy who said that?!" Jungkook pouted while crossing his arms. "Your moms kitchen that you almost burnt down when you were 17 trying to make literal brownies that's who," Jimin teased.

"Fine fine you got me there but cmon you're tired you need some rest I'll make it." Jungkook offered, hand stroking Jimin's soft locks as he smiled.

"Okay..." Jimin mumbled, finally giving up as he knew Jungkook would just keep going. He sat onto the couch, exhaling loudly. He leaned his head back, eyes fluttering closed as he thought to himself.

Him and Jungkook were together now.


It wasn't too weird, they had been acting as if they were anyway months prior, but the word itself was still interesting to say, feeling a bit odd on Jimin's tongue considering it had just been so long. Nonetheless the word felt comforting and it made everything more special.

Jimin eyes completely shut, smiling to himself as he drifted off into sleep.

When he woke up he felt soft hair tickling at his nose, eyes shooting open to be met with the most adorable chubby face. He blinked rapidly to help his vision, smile already painting over his lips.


Jimin leaned down, swiftly picking up Jeonsan and placing him into his lap. "Happy birthday baby," he bursted, leaving kisses all over the toddlers face.

Jeonsan giggled while nodding his head, "my birfday!" He squealed. Jimin simply chuckled standing up and adjusting Jeonsan in his arms. He took a deep breath, in doing that he realized he smelt something...good? Maybe Jungkook could bake now after all.

He walked into the kitchen, Jeonsan still in his arms. He laughed lightly when he took in Jungkook's appearance. His black shirt was dusted with flour, hair slightly disheveled, he also had a somewhat tired look on his face.

Jeonsan reached out for Jungkook who quickly took him. "You seem more like you ran a marathon then baked a cake," Jimin laughed, as Jungkook took deep breaths. "I didn't just make cake." He shrugged.

Jimin's features furrowed eyes scanning around the counter but there wasn't anything there. "What do you-" before he could finish his sentence he felt one of Jungkook's hands grasping onto his shoulder, turning him around so that he was facing the table.

"Oh," Jimin gasped, vision drifting over all the food neatly set up on the table. "You made breakfast too?" Jimin pouted, leaning closer to Jungkook and pressing a light kiss against his lips.

Jungkook chuckled once he pulled away, frowning as he felt Jeonsan's hands tugging at his hair. "Don't do that buddy," he laughed. "No! Dada can't kiss mama!" The toddler yelled, furrowing his brows as he made a fist with his tiny hand.

"And why's that?" Jungkook questioned, watching as Jeonsan leaned closer to his face.   "Only I kiss mama." He insisted, looking back at Jimin and nodding. Jungkook shook his head, "sorry buddy it's not gonna work like that." he chuckled.

Jimin had taken a seat at the table. Inhaling all the delicious smells, happy nothing gave him the feeling to throw up.

Jungkook sat down next to him after putting Jeonsan into his seat. "So Jin and Namjoon are coming later?" He asked, Jimin nodded.

They all began eating, Jimin recounting numerous stories throughout Jeonsan's three years, it all seemed crazy honestly. Never would he have thought he'd be sitting here telling them to Jungkook as his boyfriend...but he was.

By the time they were finished Namjoon and Jin arrived, both holding wrapped gifts in their hands. They placed them by the couch, Jeonsan seemingly ecstatic to open everything.

Most of the gifts he received ended up being stuffed animals, squealing every time he ripped the wrapping paper excited for what it would reveal. It all made Jimin happy, Jeonsan had always been limited to things that weren't necessities, so this was nice for a change.

After a bit Jimin slipped of into the kitchen, grabbing a lighter and lighting the three candles on the cake. It looked quite nice actually...Jungkook didn't do bad.

He began to slowly walk back to where the others were, everyone noticed him, smiling as they started singing happy birthday. Jimin carefully set the cake down in front Jeonsan, glancing up at Jungkook with a brightened look as Jeonsan blew out his candles.

As the rest of them began to eat Jungkook hastily pulled Jimin into the kitchen, embracing him into a comforting hug. "What's this for?" Jimin giggled, resting his head against Jungkook's shoulder.

Jungkook pulled away, anxiously staring into Jimin's eyes, a sigh leaving his lips as he cupped Jimin's face, giving him a nostalgic smile.

"I love you."

I won't be updating Complete as often because I wanna focus on my other ffs just for a bit, hope that's okay 🥺 (I'll still be updating at least once a week)

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