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"Please let me meet him."

Jimin had expected a lot of things out of this meeting but not Jungkook finding out about Jeonsan...and wanting to meet him,

but who was he to deny it, Jeonsan was also Jungkook's son... and Jimin desperately didn't want to get into to legal shit.

"O-of course you can..." Jimin agreed, after the words left his mouth he felt a small ounce of guilt leaving his chest.

Jungkook's eyes widened, seemingly surprised at Jimin's answer.

"R-really? When, and where oh my gosh I can't believe this is real." Jungkook said with a look pure happiness on his face.

Jimin just awkwardly chuckled. "Well you can meet him sometime this week, you can uh come to my apartment I guess," Jimin relented.

"But just keep in mind he's extremely shy and not very fond of strangers, it's uh gonna take a while for him to get used to you." Jimin recalled.

Jungkook still had a cheerful smile painted in his face as he quickly nodded.

They scheduled for them to meet on Wednesday, considering Jimin didn't have work that day and it was after Jungkook's classes.

Jimin stood up from the bench about to leave when he felt a tug on his sleeve so he turned around.

He was engulfed into a tight hug from the older, it felt quite nice, he was basically in his chest considering how much taller Jungkook is than him.

"Thank you, for allowing me to see him."

Jimin felt bad, guilty, remorseful, faulty, and everything above that, why in the world was Jungkook even thanking him when he had kept Jeonsan from him for too long?

"Yeah..." Jimin sighed looking down in melancholy.

After that the two parted and Jimin made his way back towards his apartment.

When he opened the door he saw Jin and Jeonsan cuddling on the couch.

"Jin can we talk in the other room?" Jimin insisted, Jin just nodded carefully getting up off the couch and pacing to the bedroom with Jimin.

Right when the door was closed Jimin began to ramble, "okay so Jungkook saw him in the call and I guess he put two and two together he asked me if Jeonsan was his and I didn't even really know what to say, like how does one even handle that?? How the fuck did I handle that, me freaking out gave it away and he wants to meet him now, and I agreed, Jin I agreed! What the hell is wrong with me... but it felt so good to agre-"

"Woah woah, slowww down." Jin said holding his brother's shoulder who was now breathing heavily.

"Jungkook knows."

"I got that part," Jin laughed, looking up to be met with a serious looking Jimin so he cleared his throat "that wasn't funny" Jin said shaking his head at his self while suppressing his laughter, making Jimin roll his eyes.

"Jungkook saw Jeonsan on the FaceTime call, when we met he asked if Jeonsan was his, and I told him yes... kinda well I tried and he figured it out anyway, but uh he's coming over this Wednesday to meet him."

Jin just squealed at that "aww Jeonsan's finally gonna met his dad that's cute."

Hearing his name Jeonsan scurried into the bedroom, not really caring about their conversation or understanding the majority of it.

"Uppie" he demanded, holding his arms out at his mom, Jimin just leaned down and picked him up while gently rocking him on his hip a bit.

"Wait wait wait... he's coming this Wednesday? As in two days?" Jin asked

"Yep." Jimin sighed, walking over to the bad sitting with Jeonsan in his arms.

"Who mama?" Jeonsan asked, his eyes twinkling with curiosity.

Jimin was tired of cutting things short with everyone and everything, and decided to explain it to Jeonsan right then and there.

"Jeonsan you know how Jin has a baby in his tummy?"

Jeonsan just smiled and nodded,

"Well for the baby to get there, you uh have to have someone love you, and Jin loves Namjoon."

Jeonsan just nodded once again feeling slightly confused not understanding his mom completely.

"And before you were born you were in mommy's tummy, and mommy had someone who loved him for you to uh get there..."

Jimin could hear Jin's soft chuckles on Jimin's kid friendly rundown of sex, but he just chose to ignore him.

Jeonsan understood the first part, being told this before but not exactly the second, what did his mommy mean, if there is another person where did they go?

"Where?" Jeonsan gushed with a smile now reaching his face.

"Well things were a bit complicated baby, I mean uh- what's a better word?" Jimin asked glancing up at Jin who just shrugged.

"Anyways he's your dad Jeonsan and you're gonna meet him in a couple days, how does that sound?"

"Dad?" Jeonsan repeated,

"Yes, you know how I'm your mommy Jeonsan, well he's your daddy"

"Okay" Jeonsan giggled while resting his head onto Jimin's lap

Jimin carded his hands through his baby's hair, hoping Wednesday went well, because though Jeonsan was a bright happy boy around Jin and Jimin... when he sees strangers it doesn't usually go too well.

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