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"So it just slipped your mind to mention you're pregnant huh?" Taehyung joked, hand fumbling with his straw then brining it up to his lips to sip his coffee.

Jimin laughed lightly, feeling at ease that Taehyung didn't seem to be judgy about it in anyway.

"So you are with Jungkook?" Taehyung questioned, scratching at his chin. Jimin slowly nodded, "Yeah we're together now."

"Well good, I'm happy for you, it's really nice to see one couple last after high school." He chuckled, placing his drink back onto the table.

Jimin furrowed his brows, "you're not with Hoseok anymore?" He questioned, noticing how Taehyung's face dropped.

He cleared his throat, scratching at his neck awkwardly, "Yeah after we graduated and went separate ways we didn't want to really hold each other back by doing long distance and barely being able to see each other, it felt pointless so we ended things...but it was for the best." Taehyung explained with a shrug.

Jimin pouted but nodded slowly, he remembered how inseparable the two had been but he had to take into consideration that everyone had changed, Jimin wasn't there for the remaining years when so much must have happened.

"So your baby," Taehyung gushed cheerfully, pointing down to the others stomach, "boy or girl?" He asked, box smile on display as he awaited an answer.

Jimin chuckled, "boy." He quickly replied, fumbling with his fingers momentarily before unconsciously touching his stomach, brows furrowing when he didn't feel any kicks but brushing it off.

Taehyung squealed, smile heightening as his eyes almost disappeared, "so cute, babies are just so freaking cute." He emphasized.

Jimin nodded while leaning back into his chair, "I'm gonna check up on you in the next 5 years once you have them and see if you're thinking the same." He laughed.

"Make it ten I'd be twenty four in five years that's wayyy too young." He pointed out, eyes widening once he realized what he had said, "t-too young for me!" He hurriedly blurted.

Jimin giggled, "not offended Taehyung don't worry I get it, my situation isn't exactly ideal." He shrugged his shoulders, light smile painted over his lips.

Taehyung frowned, shaking his head continuously, "when I think of all the people that graduated our school you come to my mind as the most perseverant and strong, you had a kid at 16 and that's something that sounds literally terrifying yet you still did it... and I don't know exactly how things played out this time but you're 19 so don't feel like your age makes it invalid or dumbs down the situation...from the tiny bit I've seen it seems to me you're doing a really fucking good job." Taehyung explained, each word was just so precise and he didn't even stutter once.

"T-thank you," Jimin let out, completely dazed from every kind and encouraging thing the other had said.

"No problem!" Taehyung grinned sweetly, bringing his coffee upwards to take a brief sip.
"I really missed you," he let out softly.

"I missed you too," Jimin giggled, the two then diving into various conversations, reminiscing their early highschool days, the whole encounter lasting hours long.


By the time Jimin had returned home it was quite late so he had expected Jeonsan to be asleep...but when he opened the door he was greeted by the over energetic toddler, jumping around and squealing.

His eyes drifted over to Jungkook who looked extremely exhausted, sitting on the couch as he desperately tried to keep his eyes open.

"How come he's still awake?" Jimin questioned, walking over the other with difficulty as Jeonsan was hugging his legs.

Jungkook stood up, grumbling a bit as he stretched his limbs, "I got him all ready for bed and tried putting him down about three times but he just kept running around saying he wouldn't sleep till you got home." Jungkook explained tiredly.

"Well I'm here now." Jimin smiled, leaning down to pinch Jeonsan's cheeks. "You should definitely get some sleep you look exhausted," he pointed out, moving closer to press a quick kiss against the others lips.

"Did you have a good time, was Taehyung nice about it?" Jungkook questioned drowsily, eyes fluttering closed every few seconds.

"Of course he was, it felt nice to see someone that wasn't y'know..." he began, mind searching for the right way to phrase himself.

"Someone that's not completely against every little thing you do?" Jungkook finished for him, words causing the other to frown but nod slowly.

"Anyways..." Jimin cleared his throat, taking Jeonsan's tiny hand into his, "how bout we go to sleep now or you're gonna be all tired tomorrow morning, and we don't want that right?" Jimin said, making his voice soft yet clear so the toddler would understand.

"Okay!" Jeonsan gushed, running into the direction of the room with Jimin quickly chasing behind him.

Jungkook chuckled, stumbling after them, smiling to himself once he finally saw Jeonsan cuddled up under the covers.

"So now you go to sleep," he laughed, taking a seat next to Jimin and ruffling the toddlers hair.

"I'll be right back." Jimin blurted, abruptly standing up and pacing out of the bedroom. Jungkook's brows furrowed, looking at Jeonsan before also following wherever the other had went.

"Jimin?" He called, eyes tiredly drifting down the hall way, "Y-yes?" a weak voice squeaked. Jungkook leaned against the bathroom door, knocking lightly, "Are you okay, Is everything alright?" He questioned, hearing deep breaths being emitted from behind the door.

"N-no, I think there's something wrong."

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