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I missed Tae and Jungkook's live last night cuz I was asleep :( 

Jimin groaned, shifting around uncomfortably as an exasperated sigh left his lips. He hated this...being pregnant that is, he was what 10 weeks now and everything already felt like hell.

His eyes lingered over to Jungkook who was laying acorss from him, peacefully sleeping while content breaths escaped his mouth, must be nice Jimin thought to himself.

His point of view then drifted down to Jeonsan, the toddler curled up between them as always, soft silky black hair flopped over his face. That was one of the big differences this time around.... besides having Jungkook with him of course, he had Jeonsan, didn't necessarily make things easier, Jimin always felt horrible for waking the toddler at early hours when he had to throw up, knowing the 3 year old needed his sleep. He couldn't exactly just hand him off to his brother for an amount of time as Jin was due any day now.

As for Jungkook who had claimed he would, he got a job, working at a restaurant. It irked Jimin how whenever he would try going back to work he'd instantly be scolded by the other, telling him he shouldn't be working in this state.

It was a bit humorous to him as he had worked all the way up to the point Jeonsan was born, but Jungkook didn't need to know that.

Jimin stood up, groaning quietly as he felt another wave of nausea pass over him, bringing himself back into the bathroom. Lately he hadn't been throwing up as much, and though that sounded promising it wasn't...he constantly felt the feeling of having to but he just couldn't, leaving him sitting on the bathroom floor at these ungodly hours, hoping the feeling would just die down.

Tonight was different though...he felt so overwhelmed. Everything was barreling towards him, things weren't going to slow down and it terrified him. All he could really do was worry, worry about Jeonsan, Jungkook, and the baby...everyone but himself.

And that's how he found himself sitting against the cold tiles, hand clasped over his mouth as he tried to silence his sobs. He felt broken and lost, unsure of what to say as it felt like he was overreacting to things that could be fixed or mend over time.

He pulled his legs up to his chest, tucking his head down as he tried to control his breathing. His faint cries being interrupted by a light knock at the bathroom door, "Jimin let me in," Jungkook said softly from the other side.

Jimin stated silent, remaining in his rather dejected position, head angling even more down once he heard the click of the door and feet pacing towards him.

Jungkook plopped down next to him. "Jimin." Jungkook spoke, words gentle and at ease, holding a reassurance to them. "I'm okay." Jimin snapped before Jungkook could even ask, words sounding choked up.

"Jimin...baby you don't need to lie to me,
you're pregnant for God's sakes all this shit is pressuring down onto you...I know you're suffering, I want to be here as much as I can, I want to help you I truly do, but in order for me to do that you can't hide your emotions, because in the end that's going the hurt you even more...and I don't want that." Jungkook rambled, taking a deep breath at the end of his tangent.

Jimin slowly lifted his head, eyes trailing up to the others and nodding slowly. Jungkook's vision lingered on Jimin's teary eyes, quickly cupping his face and wiping the bitter droplets off his cheeks.

"I love you." Jungkook whispered, pressing a light kiss against Jimin's forehead. Jimin slowly but surely saying it back, voice barely above a whisper.

Eventually Jungkook was carrying a sleepy Jimin back to their room, his legs wrapped around Jungkook's waist, arms latched onto his neck while his head laid against his shoulder.

Once back in bed Jimin sighed, turning over to Jungkook, "Do you think my mom hates me?" He blurted, noticing how Jungkook's eyes gradually widened. He shook his head quickly, "if anything she hates me not you," he chuckled, face then changing to one of seriousness, "How come you're thinking about her?" He added.

Jimin huffed, closing his eyes lightly, "I just feel like she's right sometimes...she doesn't even know what's going on in my life but I still feel like a disappointment." He mumbled.

"You're not a disappointment in anyway, the woman ran out when she realized Jeonsan looked like me if that doesn't say crazy I don't know what does," Jungkook explained, trying to lighten the mood. Jimin giggled, "you're right, but I think m-maybe we should have Jeonsan meet your mom...properly." Jimin suggested shyly.

Jungkook nodded, crossing his arms behind his head, "Of course, but I still have to tell her about you...and though she's understanding most of the time she's still gonna freak out about you being pregnant." Jungkook whispered.

"W-what about your dad?" Jimin tried, noticing how Jungkook instantly tensed up. "He doesn't deserve to know..." Jungkook said clearly.

"Jungkook...I know you're still mad but he's you're dad, he's a good person and you know that, I don't know exactly why he did what he did, but it's in the past...I took everything away from Jeonsan, everything. I don't want to do it again this time." Jimin declared, his words having an undertone that sounded downright broken.

Jungkook shuffled forward, taking Jimin's hand into his and intertwining their fingers. They stayed silent, nothing needed to be said.

sorry this chapter is so short, and lowkey just a filler, I do be having writers block though and I'm not even a writer 🤔

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