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Today was finaly the appointment where they'd most likely find out the gender, Jimin was excited but also nervous...more so nervous.

Most people didn't take into consideration the other things you find out, the possible defects, if anything could go wrong...Jimin was honestly terrified for that.

Jeonsan had been so healthy so he was hoping for the same with this baby, and if that wasn't the case...God he was really nervous.

Jungkook was the complete opposite, and it was quite clear, happily waking up early and reminding Jimin about the appointment hours before hand, cheesy smile never leaving his lips and the curiosity locked in his eyes as he rambled on about wether he thought it'd be a boy or girl.

Jimin just smiled and nodded, he found it cute how much Jungkook was throwing himself into this all, why wouldn't he though, it did make sense in a way...

Jimin sighed, adugusting his shirt slightly eyeing himself in the mirror and huffing, he crossed his arms while sitting back onto the bed.

"I look fat." He blurted, bottom lip jutting out. Jungkook's head shot up after hearing those words, rolling to the other side of the bed and sitting up.

"Jimin..." he whispered, tugging him a bit closer, "don't say that," he insisted, giving him a saddened look.

Jimin simply continued to pout, eyes drifting back to the mirror, scrunching his nose a bit. "Jimin..." Jungkook repeated, inhaling as he sat up.

"This is supposed to happen okay...your body does this for the baby, you're not fat. You look amazing, don't put yourself down like that." Jungkook explained, hand rubbing Jimin's back for comfort.

It may of seemed like a statement most would deny or even laughed at. He was pregnant of course he would look different...but Jungkook knew better than that, he knew how Jimin had treated himself back in highschool, always so concerned about his weight and self image...even to the point where he'd take drastic measures such as not eating enough.

Jimin nodded slowly, glancing back up towards Jungkook and forcing up a crooked smile. "Plus...I lovee your little bump," Jungkook declared, shuffling closer and laying down as he lifted the others shirt, placing his hands over Jimin's stomach, smile instantly brightening.

Jimin blushed, shaking his head while he giggled, immediately forgetting about the harsh things he'd said before.

Jungkook chuckled while finally standing up, stretching his limbs as stuck his hand out for Jimin to take. "We should probably get going," he mumbled.

Jimin nodded, yawning and blinking his eyes rapidly. "You didn't get much sleep did you?" Jungkook questioned with a frown.

He hesitantly nodded, a light smile taking over his lips, "I'm fine don't worry..." he convinced, tiptoeing higher so he could press a peck against the others lips.

"Let's go."


It was quite clear how much anticipation or whatever it was Jungkook held, as he was kicking his legs excitedly, unable to sit still in the waiting room chairs.

Jimin giggled, causing Jungkook the glance towards him and huff. "How are you not excited?" Jungkook asked tentatively, giving him a playful look.

"Of course I'm excited it's just that-"

"Park Jimin?"

His words were cut off by the firm calling of his name, head shooting up to the lady who was smiling kindly at them.

Both of them stood up, hands gripping at each other as always, as they were lead into the usual room.

Jimin was almost positive the deafening sound of his heart beating could he heard. He felt his hands shake slightly, taking silent inward breaths to calm himself.

"You're...18 weeks today and you'd like to know the gender correct?" She questioned, looking up from her computer and back to Jimin who slowly nodded.

"Okay so before we start do either of you have any questions?" She asked, eyes drifting between the two.

"Y-yes." Jimin squeaked, "I-I just wanted to know why I'm showing this much so early on, I know it's not a bad thing but it just confused me." Jimin explained hesitantly

"Nothing odd at all with that, considering this is your second pregnancy it's normal to show earlier, in fact most people do." She smiled.

"Well if that's all you can get yourself up onto the bed and we can get another look, see if everything is going well, and of course find out the gender if they're in a correct position." She grinned, hand waving over to where everything was placed.


Jimin anxiously fumbled with his fingers as he noticed the way the doctors brows furrowed ever so often as she moved the transducer around his stomach.

His eyes drifted over to Jungkook who was on the chair near him, features still lifted in pure enthusiasm.

The doctor nodded to herself, glancing up at Jimin with a soft grin painted over her lips. "Everything looks to be great!" She gushed, words instantly letting Jimin release the large breath he was holding in.

"Also for gender..." she chuckled, looking at the two once again," "it was quite clear..." she laughed.

"It's a..."


Sorry to leave y'all on a cliffhanger but it's kinda fun to do hehe.

Anyways I want you guys to get to know me better and vice versa, since I've only been on wattpad for a bit and I'm technically still new to everything! So feel free to ask me any questions you may have, I'll answer them all in the comments cuz I'm way too lazy too make something separate :)

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