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"I hate this."

Jungkook chuckled as he held onto Jimin's hand while they walked into the kitchen. "I just want it all to be over with," Jimin whined, as he carefully took a seat at the table.

"I know... but it will be over soon and we'll get to meet him okay," Jungkook consoled, leaning down and pressing a light kiss against Jimin's lips, hands consciously caressing his large bump.

Jimin scrunched his nose in annoyance while crossing his arms, "You're the one who did this to me," he whispered while rolling his eyes.

Jungkook simply laughed in return while shaking his head, heading to Jeonsan's room to wake him up for breakfast.

He returned with a still sleepy Jeonsan in his arms, the toddler lifted his head after smelling the delightful aroma of pancakes. "I'm hungry!" He shouted happily, Jungkook smiled brightly while setting him into his booster seat.

"Is mama okay?" Jeonsan frowned, noticing the way Jimin was hunched forward in his seat, letting out continuous sounds of pain. "I-I'm okay baby no need to worry."

It was as if he spoke to soon, eyes squeezing shut as he felt a familiar feeling, "Gahh," Jimin grunted, leaning down farther into his chair, "Mama?" Jeonsan repeated, voice filled with worry.

"J-Jungkook..." Jimin called out, said male quickly turning his head and pacing over to him, leaning down, "What's wrong?" He questioned hurriedly, features taken over by sudden panic.

"I-it's okay... I think I'm fine, it's just t-those Braxton Hicks I t-think...n-nothing ser-serious." He stuttered. "Are you sure, you're 38 weeks so it's possible it's the real thing?" Jungkook suggested. "I-It felt like it, m-more painful... I-I just have to time them, it's fine I'll be fine."

Jimin felt absolutely terrified, despite his words from just minutes before. He didn't exactly experience a great birth with Jeonsan, not being able to get the epidural wasn't even the worst part of it...he felt so alone in those painful moments, God he had wanted Jungkook there...but it would all be okay now because he is here.

"I-I left the water from last night in the room, I'm gonna get it..." Jimin suddenly changed the subject, wanting desperately to focus on anything else, standing up with a huff as he balanced himself by holding the edge of the table.

"No I can get it you just stay right here," Jungkook started, cut off by the sound Jimin's footsteps as he walked forward, "I'm pregnant Jungkook not disabled," he said as he made his way down the hall.

Once there he picked up the empty glass, immediately setting it back down as he felt another tight feeling of pain ripple through him. He breathed heavily, both his hands holding the bed for support...and that when he felt it.

You have to be kidding me, he thought to himself glancing down at his sweatpants that were now ruined, covered in God knows what. Now, fucking now?!

"Jungkook..." he said calmly, walking back into the kitchen slowly as he sighed, not wanting to scare the other. "My water just broke." He said casually.

Jungkook's eyes widened, mouth falling agape, "a-are you sure?" He questioned dumbly. Jimin scoffed, looking down at his ruined pants then back up, "pretty damn sure."

"U-uh w-we well? Fuck what do we do with Jeonsan, we don't have much prepared..." Jungkook suddenly blurted in alarm.

"Well Namjoon's and Jin's is on the way to the hospital so we can just drop him off there, a-and we have everything we need, just not packed, s-so do that...quickly!" Jimin snapped, feeling himself now overcoming with panic...shit it was really happening.

Jungkook nodded hurriedly, rushing into the bedroom and tossing everything he'd know they need into the hospital bag, glad he'd bought everything so soon.

"Okay..." he breathed walking back into the living room as he saw Jimin struggling to put his shoes on, now changed into different pants. Jungkook rushed closer kneeling down and tying the shoe laces for the other, quickly grabbing Jeonsan who was still in his pajamas, not really caring as they all exited the door.

Jimin took a deep breath another contraction washing over him, God it fucking hurt, he didn't remember it being this painful. He grunted, breathing in and out as the elevator finally reached the garage.

Once they were all situated in the car that contraction had ended, Jimin left with the feeling of just being straight up uncomfortable. "J-Ju-Jungkook," he stammered, glancing over to the other who was now leaving the driveway eyes ultimately focused ahead on the road.

"I-I'm scared." Jimin squeaked. Jungkook sighed, gripping the steering wheel and calming his nerves, he was probably making this a lot worse. "You did this before Jimin and you'll do it again, everything is going to be okay and we'll get to finally see him...finally see him." He murmured.

Time was seemingly against them as they were already at the hospital after dropping Jeonsan off.

Jimin felt an over sense of Déjà vu once they made it into the hospital, everything was done so quickly and he was immediately rushed over to the maternity unit.

Once in the hospital bed he was given an IV, he was slightly panicking as everyone around him seemed so focused yet he was a complete mess.

One of the next things the doctor did was check how far dilated he was...he wasn't nervous about that, at moments like this he knew that there was absolutely no point in being embarrassed or awkward.

The doctor smiled, removing her gloves, "Well Jimin you seem to be ready to start pushing actually, I'm surprised you weren't in more pain earlier throughout the day since you've progressed so quickly."

"What?! p-pushing, n-now?" Jimin stammered, reality hitting him that he wasn't aloud to get the epidural...again.

"Yep, I'll get all the other nurses into the room and of course your significant other will stay, and soon we'll have ourselves a baby!" She beamed cheerfully.

Jimin anxiously nodded, grunting in agony he felt another sudden spike of pain, "hu-hurts," he whimpered, after 30 seconds he was left with the feeling of utter discomfort. He gripped onto Jungkook's hand, the male standing close beside him.

"It's gonna be okay, we'll see him soon, just focus on that." Jungkook reassured, rubbing Jimin's palm soothingly as he let out tormented cries.

So many updatesss :)

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