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Three months had passed since Huyun-ki's birth and things couldn't have been better.

Of course it was still a struggle and life has changed quite drastically but neither of the parents would change a thing.

Even Jeonsan learned to adjust to it all, it was quite clear how much he already loved his baby brother.

So far Hyun-ki was a calmer baby, of course he cried and everything else, but he was a lot easier than Jeonsan.

Today the family had chose to finally go out as they rarely did, so this would be the first time in weeks that they'd all be together doing such.

Obviously Jungkook was still busy with work, but had cut back quite a lot on his shifts so he could be around Hyun-ki as much as possible.

The  baby was already so attached to both his parents, but that was simply expected.

As the days progressed little Hyun-ki started to look more and more like Jimin, well at least to Jungkook he did.

Being only three months old his features weren't exactly developed in a way where one could quite tell, but he did have plump lips and the chubbiest cheeks, and a slight resemblance of Jimin's crescent eyes.

Jeonsan was pretty much a identical copy of Jungkook so if there was any chance Hyun-ki would look like Jimin he wasn't mad about it.

"Okay, we ready to go?" Jungkook questioned, light smiled placed on his lips as he leaned against the entrance of the doorway, tapping his foot.

"Yes let's go!" Jeonsan squealed, skipping forwards and taking his dad's hand, attempting to drag him forward but failing horribly which caused Jungkook to hold back a bit of laughter.

"Yep almost done," Jimin mumbled, clipping the two sides together so Hyun-ki was all set in his stroller.

Jimin sighed, adjusting his shoulders a bit. "Where are we going anyways?" He inquired, while pushing Hyun-ki forward, the 3 month old glancing around in confusion, making all sorts of sounds and lifting his tiny hands.

"Just on a walk, thought it'd be nice...maybe go to the park and Jeonsan can play," he shrugged.

"Sounds good to me." Jimin grinned. "Maybe they'll be kids he could play with, proably best to socialize now considering he'll be starting preschool in less than two weeks."

"Don't even remind me." Jungkook frowned, glancing down at the bubbly child, "he's growing up too fast."

Jimin nodded in agreement, pout forming on his lips. "Next thing you know he'll be starting elementary school, continue on after that, graduate and go to college."

"Woah woah, shhhh that won't be for a long time." Jungkook defend, securily wrapping his arms around the three year old and picking him up.

Jimin giggled, "I know."

"Plus when he does graduate Hyun-ki would still be with us," Jimin pointed out. "Oh...we're having more." Jungkook suddenly insisted, the other's brows furrowed, stoping in his tracks momentarily and crossing his arms, "when did I agree to that?" He retorted, rolling his eyes.

Jungkook snorted, shaking his head to the side, "don't even deny it, you're still 19 and I'm 21, we're having many more." He smiled cheekily.

Jimin scoffed, choosing not to say anything else. Continuing to push the stroller forward, admiring the cool weather.

Eventually they made it to the park and let Jeonsan go off to play. The two parents sat at a nearby bench together, Jimin had taken Hyun-ki out of so he could rock the little baby since he became slightly fussy in the seat.

Within 15 minutes Jimin had taken notice that Jeonsan was playing with another little boy around his age in the sandbox, causing a smile to spread across his lips.

Jungkook leaned close to Jimin, "did he finally make a friend?" He chuckled, watching the toddlers babble some random things to each other. "seems so, I'm actually proud of him, younger Jeonsan probably would have ran away screaming after seeing another kid," Jimin wheezed.

Jungkook laughed at the other's words, knowing how true they really were, The two suddenly looked down when they heard a little coo, The cutest smile displayed on Hyun-ki's face as he lifted his hand and gripped Jimin's finger.

"You're just too cute," Jungkook said, making his voice significantly higher, leaning down and squeezing the infants chubby cheeks lightly.

Jimin couldn't help but feel his heart beat heighten at the entire moment, eyes drifting back to Jeonsan who was giggling and chasing his new friend, view point slowly returning to Jungkook, admiring his perfect fiancé.

Lastly he peered down to Hyun-ki who was now slowly drifting off in his arms.

The feeling Jimin had felt a few months back, though foreign then was now so recognizable. Where his heart was so full and he felt a new energy surging through himself.

Things were finally perfect, life had done it's deed, undid the tangled up mess it was before and placed him with the love of his life once more and gave him the most beuatiful being he could ask for...

He couldn't help but notice how elated he felt, it was a new happiness that was unexplainable, sure that Jungkook felt the exact same way.

So he leaned back onto the Jungkook's shoulder, glancing up at him before closing his eyes and breathing in the clear air.

Everything felt inexplicably complete.

The end

But...there WILL be an epilogue ;)

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