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Anotherrr Update :)

Instead of Jin going out to buy Jimin a test they resumed eating dinner, Jimin not joining them for obvious reasons, telling him that he'd get one tomorrow instead.

The adults were awkwardly seated at the table all sharing a slight knowing glance. Namjoon had pretty much heard everything considering no one had been particularly quiet.

Jeonsan was the only one unaware, smiling happily as he chewed his food. "Where mama?" he asked, chubby fingers reaching up and pulling at Jungkook's hair. "Mama's just really sleepy so he's taking a nap right now," Jungkook explained, removing the toddlers hand from his hair then bopping his little nose.

Namjoon and Jin bid their goodbyes when dinner was finished, Namjoon saying he'd be able to pick up Jeonsan and bring him to the park tomorrow for a few hours, knowing Jungkook and Jimin were probably freaking out.

Jungkook then got Jeonsan ready for bed, giving him a bath, brushing his teeth, and changing him into his pajamas. they walked into the bedroom, Jeonsan already half asleep in his arms.

Jungkook noticed how Jimin was still curled up with the blanket wrapped around him, he placed Jeonsan carefully down on the bed. Attention being caught when he noticed how Jimin's eyes were wide open, "Why aren't you sleeping?" Jungkook asked quietly.

"I j-just can't..." Jimin mumbled while pulling Jeonsan into his chest, the toddler babbling some incoherent words while cuddling up to Jimin. "I know you don't feel good but just try to get some rest for tomorrow," Jungkook sighed while shuffling into the bed.

There really wasn't any point in going back to his apartment to then come back in the morning, he was usually staying at theirs quite often anyway.

Jungkook glanced up for a second, noticing the glistening in Jimin's eyes reflecting from the slight blue brightness outside the window...he was crying.

Jungkook didn't say anything, letting Jimin turn around with Jeonsan in his arms, Jungkook eventually shifted forward, hugging Jimin's back tighter than ever before, knowing he needed it tonight.

The next morning Jimin's eyes fluttered open, noticing how he was the only one in the bed. He saw how the drapes were lifted and the beaming sun filled the room.

He slowly got up, feeling another wave of nausea hit him but somehow he held it down. He stumbled down the hall into the kitchen were he heard some water running.

He was met with the sight of Jungkook at the sink washing some dishes , but as his eyes darted around he noticed the plate at the table. Jungkook turned after hearing Jimin's steps instantly smiling and walking over to him. "I made you breakfast," he smiled.

"Y-you made me breakfast?" Jimin repeated, bottom lip trembling. "...Yeah?" Jungkook answered, features lifting a bit as he felt puzzled why Jimin would act that way over something so simple.

Nonetheless Jungkook simply smiled, pulling Jimin's chair out for him and taking the one next to him. "J-just so you know I picked up the t-test this morning so whenever you're ready you can take it," Jungkook stammered, studying Jimin's face, noticing the way his features dropped.

"O-okay I'll take it after I eat," he squeaked quietly, nervousness washing over his body.
Jimin's mood instantly went down, slowly eating and picking at his food, he truly wasn't prepared to do this. Questions ran through his head every few seconds, jumbling up into a ball.

What if I'm actually pregnant?

I can't do this again

How could I be so irresponsible I'm still a fucking teenager.

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