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Kinda a Double update cuz why not :) I feel Like sometimes when I do this people accidentally miss the prior chapter haha. Also I wanna thank y'all again for reading! it makes me so happy that you guys enjoy this 🥺

Jungkook was worried.

Last week was a normal week for him. He spent time with Jeonsan and Jimin, also watched the toddler twice when Jimin had work. Jin even came over and spent time with them, it was an eventful week.

But ever since about 3 days ago everything took some sort of a shift. Jimin didn't answer his calls or texts, Jungkook even called Jin to see if the other was okay, Jin telling him he wasn't the one to answer that? He was debating simply just showing up at the apartment at this point.

He knew the ignoring wasn't product of them sleeping together considering that was weeks ago. The two still hadn't established a relationship but pretty much acted like a couple.

So here Jungkook was, outside Jimin's door, hand lifted ready to knock.

So he did, smile reaching his lips once he saw the top of Jimin's head peaking out. "Hey is there anything wr-" he began, cut off by the echoing sound of the door being slammed in his face.

What the hell... he thought to himself, already becoming ten times more alert. "Jimin is everything okay?" He yelled, mouth close to the door, hoping he wasn't disturbing the rest of the floor.

"G-go away!" He heard Jimin's seemingly weak voice squeak from behind the door.
"I can't, I need to know if everything's okay, what's going on?" Jungkook pleaded, breath hitching after hearing the click of the door.

There Jimin was. Normally fluffy blonde hair was untamed, strands escaping into multiple directions. His eyes were quite puffy, the corners of them still holding lonesome tears. And that's when Jungkook noticed they tracks of tears falling down the others face.

Instantly Jungkook opened his arms, enveloping Jimin into a tight comforting hug. The other sniffled a bit into his shoulder, small hands grabbing at Jungkook's long sleeve shirt.

"Baby what's wrong?" Jungkook questioned, lifting Jimin off of his feet and carrying him to the couch as he continued to sob into his shirt.

After a few minutes Jimin's cries softened, he pulled away bringing his small hand up to his face, using his fingers to wipe his tears away.

He let out a small breath while shaking he head, "T-that's th-the thing, I-I don't know..." Jimin explained, the most heartbreaking pout displayed on his lips.

"What do you mean by that can you explain a little bit more?" Jungkook asked, voice holding a sweet demeanor. "I-I just can't deal with anything...I can't deal with myself right now I don't even know to explain this," Jimin sniffled. "Jeonsan has been at Jin's for an hour or so...I told him and he gets it I guess," Jimin added, looking down in some sort of guilt.

"Jimin everyone gets stressed okay? It's completely normal, but when you're feeling like this don't shut me out I want to be here for you," Jungkook declared.

"B-but I don't feel good," Jimin whimpered, leaning down back into Jungkook's chest.
"Are you sick?" Jungkook whispered while gently rubbing circles around Jimin's back.
He felt Jimin nod against him which caused him to sigh.

"Is there anything I could get you?" He mumbled before pressing a light kiss onto Jimm's cheek. "N-no it's okay Jin said he was going to pick me up some medicine on his way back... b-but can you just stay with me?"

"Of course," Jungkook consoled, walking over to grab one of the fluffy blankets out of the basket. He brought it back over to the couch wrapping it around Jimin, "why don't you get some sleep?" Jungkook suggested.

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