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Wednesday came sooner than Jimin expected, it's not like he was dreading it... okay he was kinda dreading it.

Not for himself of course, even though he was only 18, he was mature enough to handle it...he thinks, I mean he had a baby so the entirety of teen life wasn't something he really experienced and was cut kinda short. When Jeonsan was born he had to become somewhat of an adult right away.

But he didn't mind it because everyday he gets to be with his sweet little angel.

He really lucked out, he was afraid Jeonsan was going to be some sort of devil child thinking he had absolutely no parenting skills at 16, but he couldn't have been more wrong.

It was about 11:30am on Wednesday, Jeonsan was napping on the couch as he didn't get much sleep, constantly waking Jimin up the night before saying he was hungry or thirsty.

Jimin just stared at the clock for the remaining 30 minutes and it seemed like they almost flashed by.

He was set out of his trance by a knock at the door, he went to stand up and answer, but felt a tug at his arm.

"Mommy carry me..." Jeonsan whined, his fingers fumbling with Jimin's sleeves.

Jimin wanted to protest but seeing as Jeonsan was half asleep, this might wake him up a bit. So he quickly lifted him into his arms and walked over the door.

He opened it, at first seeing Jungkook who was wearing a black comfy hoodie, his hair in some sort of a wave as he wore a content look on his face, but awe and some sort of starstruck soon took over when he saw Jeonsan sleeping in Jimin's arms.

"Jeonsan it's time to wake up baby," Jimin spoke softly to the toddler in hopes of him cooperating like always.

Once Jeonsan lazily lifted his head he saw Jungkook's face which caused him to shove himself back into Jimin's shoulder whining slightly.

Jungkoook chuckled, happy he saw Jeonsan's adorable face, even if it was only for a mere second, "so this is what you meant by shy"

Jimin just smiled, but he was soon startled by the loud cry's emitting from the toddler in his arms.

Jungkook just frowned and looked down at the floor knowing he caused it.

Jimin brought Jeonsan out of his chest making him now face him, the two year olds cheeks were bright red and covered in tears, he wrapped his arms around Jimin's neck and leaned into his chest yet again.

"Uh I'll take care of him it will just take a second you can go over and sit on the couch." Jimin rushed over his words bringing Jeonsan into the bedroom

Once there he rocked Jeonsan a bit telling him nothing was wrong.

"Jeonsan that's your daddy, he's nice please don't cry baby, mommy likes him so you should too."

Jeonsan just lifted his head up and down and brought his chubby hands up to his face, quickly making a fist and wiping the tears away.

"Thank you." Jimin said calmly, kissing Jeonsan's cheeck

When he carried Jeonsan out he saw Jungkook awkwardly sitting on the couch fumbling with he hands.

He looked up once he heard Jimin walk into the room, a slight smile taking over his lips.

He sat down next to Jungkook, Jeonsan was still hidden in his arms but once Jimin whispered to him he glanced up over to Jungkook and shyly waved.

Jungkook's smile grew at that his eyes almost disappearing, it didn't take a genius to tell he was ecstatic.

"Hi." Jungkook said cheerfully

Jimin decided to head towards the kitchen to quickly make lunch, he wanted to give the two a bit of space.

As he stood up and stretched a bit he heard Jeonsan shuffling behind him reaching out for Jimin... yes again

M-mama leaving?" He cried out

Jimin just smiled and ruffled Jeonsan's hair, "No I'll be right in the kitchen, how about you show Jungkook your toys?"

Jeonsan just nodded at that, sliding off the couch running towards the bedroom to get his plushies.

He returned with his stuffed elephant and yellow bear, Jimin didn't buy him many toys because he already felt bad with Jin paying half the rent, so almost all money he earned was spent on necessary things.

Jeonsan shyly neared the couch his thumb shoved into his mouth as he sucked on it... a bad habit, but it calmed him down (AN I did this till I was 6 😔)

He carefully set the yellow bear near Jungkook's lap.

"Play?" Jeonsan squeaked, Jungkook nodded at him while picking up the yellow bear then gently patting the space on the couch next to him.

Jeonsan hoisted himself up onto it and sat with a loud breath, Jungkook chuckled at him and Jeonsan whipped his head around

"What funny?" He asked in a small voice, his adorable eyes growing bigger because he didn't understand.

Jungkook just laughed again "nothing was, how about I play with you now?" Jungkook teased.

"Yes play" Jeonsan gushed

And that's what they did, for about 20 minutes all of Jeonsan's shyness from before Slowly vanished as he happily played with Jungkook.

Jimin walked into the living area handing Jeonsan his sippy cup and a sandwich that was cut into small pieces

Jimin also handed Jungkook a sandwich that was simply cut in half, Jungkook looked down at the plate and back up at Jimin.

"You didn't have to make me anything, thank you." he said taking the plate into his own hands.

Jimin just smiled, "while you got here at 12:00 so I'm assuming you came straight after your morning classes finished...without eating."

Jungkook just nodded at him, "Yeah I wanted to see him as soon as I could, why waste time." Jungkook exclaimed.

Jungkook and Jimin looked over to see Jeonsan stuffing the small sandwich pieces into his mouth, feeling their gaze he looked up and just smiled, his cheeks still filled with food.

Both Jimin and Jungkook broke out into laughter.

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