10K 606 11

Sorry for the kinda short chapter

Jimin just stood still when he saw his phone light up...

Jungkook was calling him.

All Jimin wanted to do was quickly block his number and forget any of this even happened, but something was holding him back.

He slowly answered, not really knowing what took over his body in that moment.


"Jimin it is you!" Jungkook's muffled voice spoke into the phone.

"Y-yeah, is something wrong, you said you wanted to ta-" before Jimin could finish his sentence Jeonsan came rushing into the room, "MAMMAAAA!" Jeonsan yelled while trying  to jump up onto the bed.

"U-uh Jungkook I have to go I'll call you back later." Jimin said trying to shush Jeonsan,

"No it's alright I just need to quickly talk to you, in person, do you think you could meet me somewhere tomorrow?"

"Sure I gotta go text me" Jimin said rushing his sentence not even sure why he agreed he was honestly panicking thinking Jungkook May have heard Jeonsan.

"Who that?" Jeonsan said tilting his head, his adorable Bambi eyes locking with Jimin's worried face.

"It doesn't matter baby." Jimin said swooping down to lift Jeonsan up onto the bed to cuddle with his baby not caring about their unfinished dinner on the table.

"Is mama okay?" Jeonsan cute little face was squished against the covers while asking the sad question

"Of course I am." Jimin consoled, not caring if it was a lie because being strong for Jeonsan was important.

"Okay, Lub you mama" Jeonsan mumbled while slowly drifting off to sleep.

Jimin just smiled at him and kissed forehead while pushing his hair away from his face.

He picked up his phone and sighed seeing the messages.


Jimin please don't feel scared about anything I just want to talk that's all

Also we can meet at the park around 12 if that's okay, it's kinda close to my uni I hope thats good for you.

Jimin wasn't sure what to really say so he quickly typed a "yeah that's fine" and switched his contact over to Jin's, he felt like calling him would just be easier.

"Hey Jimin's what's up?" Jin casually spoke thorough the phone.

"I'm really sorry Jin, I know I don't have work tomorrow but could you please watch Jeonsan only for like an hour... I'm meeting with Jungkook."

Jimin could clearly hear Jin gasp and some rustling around him. "Are you gonna tell him?!

"O-oh I don't think so he's the one that asked to meet up to talk." Jimin sighed.

"Ah okay well tell me how everything goes, what time do you want me there." Jin gushed.

"You can come a b-bit before 12." Some nervousness hitting him causing him to stammer.

"I'll be there!" Jin yelled happily, he had such high hopes wanting things to be better for Jimin and maybe this could be it.



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