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Jungkook sighed, blinking his eyes rapidly as he scrolled through ads on his phone for apartments. He had been at it for the last hour and was yet to find something within their standards that they could completely afford.

They didn't want any money from Jin as it just felt too wrong since he was busy with his own family and shouldn't have to worry about them.

His brows furrowed as his fingers swiped passed something along the lines of what they were looking for, clicking back to check the prices.

His eyes almost instantly widened, light smile taking over his lips as he paced over to the bedroom.


The blonde lifted his head once hearing his name, sitting up a bit, "yes?" He let out groggily.

"Look!" Jungkook blurted cheerfully, shoving his phone into the tired boy's face, his eyes slowly drifting across the screen.

"Wow that's perfect, is it in our price range?" Jimin asked, grinning happily once Jungkook nodded.

He smiled widely, eyes lighting up, "I'll put in an offer and go check it out this week!" Jungkook bursted.


Both Jimin and Jungkook shot their heads over to outside the bedroom door where the playful screaming had came from.

"Jeonsan baby, what's wrong?" Jimin yelled, standing up and pacing over to the door.

"Notin...but I boke my toy!" Jeonsan pouted, frowning as he glanced down at the torn plushie. Jungkook chuckled striding over to the two, "And how'd you manage to do that?" He chuckled.

"I dunno! Just BAM boken!" Jeonsan screeched, cheeks puffing out in exaggeration.

"Jeonsan say broken."


Jungkook facepalmed, shaking is head at the toddlers cuteness. "You get away with it just because you are just too adorable!" Jungkook blurted, leaning down to pick up Jeonsan and pressing kisses on his chubby cheeks.

"Dada stop!" Jeonsan giggled, batting his tiny hands into Jungkook's face. "How bout I buy you a new toy?" He offered, heart warming at the sight of Jeonsan's wide smile.

"Yes!" He squealed in response, clapping his small hands together. "More toys?" Jimin rolled his eyes, standing up with difficulty and stumbling back over to the bed.

"I really hope we get that apartment, I definitely wouldn't want to move in after the baby is born." Jimin sighed

"I can assure you If we do get it we'd be moving in as quick as possible so you can be settled." Jungkook insisted.


Within a week Jungkook had already been able to check out the place, and it was even better in person.

He was desperately hoping they'd be the ones to get it since from what the owner had said was there was quite a lot of offers.

But in the end they were the ones to get it. Rushing themselves to move in completely just in under two weeks, it was already a struggle with Jimin being 33 weeks, but he was glad they got it now and not later down the road.

They'd already started on their shopping for the baby, but things were a little tight so they still hadn't been able to get a crib or even a car seat...just clothes and a few more essentials.

It really worried Jimin that they maybe wouldn't have all that stuff in time. He didn't want to borrow money from Jin or anyone for that matter, so he just chose to hope for the best.

Jungkook had been taking extra shifts, and sometimes wasn't even there for the whole
night and it truly concearned the other.

He could even tell Jeonsan was affected by it all, constantly asking Jimin if his dada chose to leave him every night, the toddler eventually crying himself to sleep thinking so even if Jimin would deny it multiple times.

Another difference was that Jeonsan had his own room now. He'd always been with Jimin, or in the last year both his parents in the same bed, so the change was something he'd have to get used to.

Jimin's brows furrowed as he opened another box, tossing a random item somewhere across the room.

He was rearranging some stuff in his and Jungkook's new room, slightly annoyed that Jungkook had packed his things so messily.

He pulled out an old watch, eyeing it questionably before deciding to just stuff it in Jungkook's nightstand.

When he opened the small dresser he took notice of how there was already a few things placed into the small space, one of them being a small black box.

He squinted at it, completely unsure of what it was, picking it up and noticing how the outside had a velvety material.

He shrugged, placing the box back into the nightstand, already feeling bad that he'd gotten into Jungkook's personal items when it wasn't his place to.

He sighed, walking out of the room to where both Jungkook and Jeonsan were, the two giggling as Jungkook seemed to making some sort of funny faces at the toddler.

Jimin chuckled softly, opening another box as he admired the two people he loved the most, eyes then peering down towards his stomach and smiling lightly.


Sooo I made an instagram for this account cuz I'm too scared of posting my real one...someone irl might find out I write ffs and 👀 so yee follow me on there if you'd like, not even sure what I'll use it for, maybe y'all can talk to me if you'd like or something 🥺 ...same username as here :)

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