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Around  9 months later :)

Today was Hyun-ki's first birthday.

It honestly baffled both parents that it had been an entire year since the little boy was born, time really does fly.

They'd envited over Namjoon and Jin as always, and of course they'd be bringing along Mi Cha.

Jimin and Jungkook were also officially married, the wedding had taken place about 3 months ago, it'd had been undeniably beautiful and ranked up there as one of the most important days in both Jimin and Jungkook's mind.

"Okay..." Jimin sighed, backing away as he eyed the cake, shrugging to himself, "Good enough...it's not he can critique it, he's one." Jungkook chuckled, standing close the other's side.

Jimin pouted, "are you judging my cake design skills?" He inquired playfully, Jungkook simply froze as he stared off into space, Jimin laughed while hitting his chest the bring him back to reality.

"Definitely not, it's a lot better than anything I could do." Jungkook pointed out, quickly leaning in and pecking Jimin's lips before walking back to the living area to finnish up decorations.

after blowing up a few more balloons he got a text from Jin saying they're all on their way, "Okay they'll all be back soon!" Jungkook hollered from the living room.

Jin and Namjoon had brung both Jeonsan and Hyun-ki on a little walk near the park so the other pants would have time to decorate and prepare everything. Of course Hyun-ki didn't know he was having a birthday party but then again he barely even knew what a birthday really was.

After about ten minutes everyone walked in, both Mi Cha and Hyun-ki being pushed in their strollers while Jeonsan was simply skipping forward.

Jimin couldn't help but immediately smile when he saw everyone, rushing forward and quickly unblocking the 1 year old from his stroller and taking him into his arms.

"Happy birthday!" He said, making his voice significantly higher, pressing kisses against the baby's chubby cheeks.

Hyun-ki giggled, lifting his hands and grabbing some of Jimin's hair, "mama!" He babbled, squirming a bit in his hold.

He handed him off to Jungkook who pretty much did the same, carefully setting the one year old down onto the floor, Hyun-ki made some random noises before crawling off.

"Mommy look what I found at the park!" Jeonsan squealed, rushing forward and sticking his hands out that held a little painted rock, with a few dots and swirly lines.

"Wow it's very pretty!" Jimin blurted, ruffling the 4-year olds hair, causing his black locks to go in all different directions, "yes and it's pink!" he squeaked, waving the rock around in his hand.

"That would be right," Jungkook chuckled, taking the rock into his hand and setting it on the counter, "we gotta go back and hide it again!" Jeonsan bursted.

"How about I bring you back to the park tomorrow, but for now we have a birthday to celebrate!" Jungkook laughed, pointing over to Hyun-ki who was standing with his hands gripping onto the coffee table to balance himself.

Everyone soon gathered around the table, Hyun-Ki was up in his high chair, hands hitting the little tray as he awaited some food.

Mi Cha was on Jin's lap, the 1 and a half year old glancing around everyone in confusion. Since Jeonsan was old enough now he didn't need a booster seat and could reach the table just fine.

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