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It was only a day later that they were cleared to go home, Jimin wasn't exactly thrilled since he truly knew what awaited...

Crying, waking up every few hours, vomit, stress, the list could just go on.

Thankfully in the last two-ish days Hyun-ki has been in the world he's been amazing, more so calm than Jeonsan had been when born, of course there was no way of telling how the infant would act soon.

Jimin was still extremely drained from it all, he wanted more rest but knew that wasn't exactly an option.

He was currently being wheeled out by the nurses, he knew he wouldn't be able to walk for any sort of long distance anyways so he didn't mind.

Hyun-ki was already buckled into his car seat, the nurses coming out to simply check if he was secure enough.

"Well everything looks good, we wish you guys luck!" One of them smiled, nodding at them and returning the gesture.

Jimin was buckled in the front seat, looking into the back where Hyun-ki was whining, not full on crying yet but he probably would once they began to drive.

And he was right, the second they began to pull out of the hospital parking lot Hyun-ki burst out into ear piercing cries.

Jimin frowned, pouting a bit as he leaned into his seat, wishing he could comfort the little one but knowing he'd have to wait till they got home.

"Ugh I cant wait to finally be home." Jimin sighed, bringing his hand up to massage his temples.

Jungkook chuckled, barley able to hear the other over the loud crying. "Jeonsan's gonna be excited again," he pointed out, eyes momentarily switching over to Hyun-ki.

"Yeah, the crying might drive him crazy though." Jimin giggled. "It already is for me," He mumbled, heart aching a bit more since he couldn't hold his baby in his arms, just a few more minutes, he thought.

"It's not like he's in pain, proably doesn't like the car seat, or wants you." Jungkook indicated.

Jimin crossed his arms, peering down at his lap, "don't say that you're just gonna make me more sad." He whimpered, eyes becoming slightly teary.

Jungkook glanced over to him, eyes widening. "Don't cry over that, we'll be home in a minute or so, alright." He reassured.


The moment they got home Jimin wanted out of the car, sadly he had to very careful and wouldn't be able to hold to car seat or get to
Hyun-ki till they were inside.

So Jungkook was the one to do all that while Jimin struggled with walking behind him.

When they did make it up to their apartment they opened the door to Namjoon and Jeonsan, of course the toddler was standing right by the door waiting for them.

He immediately noticed the crying, causing him to cover his ears, "baby sad?" He yelled over the noise.

Jungkook chuckled, placing the car seat down and unbuckling Hyun-ki then promptly handing him off to Jimin.

"He just wanted mama that's all." Jungkook explained, noticing how the crying almost instantly stopped once Hyun-ki was in Jimin's arms.

Once Jimin finally got the infant back into his arms he felt his nerves dissipate and his heartbeat return to normal.

He didn't know why he felt so anxious during the car ride, yes he already had such a close bond with the little one but he knew something as simple as crying wasn't extensive.

"Could you make Jeonsan lunch while I go feed him?" Jimin asked, eyes breaking away from Hyun-ki for just for a moment to glance towards the other.

Jungkook nodded, "sure." He hummed, taking Jeonsan's hand and basically dragging him to the kitchen since the child was still so distracted with staring at his brother.

Jimin smiled at them before walking for the direction of the bedroom, sighing as he remembered they hadn't gotten to setting up the crib.

But when he opened the door he was surprised to see that it was, brows furrowing as he approached it.

He slid his hand across the side, other securing Hyun-ki. Who set this up while we were gone?

After he finished up feeding Hyun-ki and setting him into the crib he returned to the kitchen where Jungkook and Jeonsan were.

"Did someone set up the crib?" He asked aloud, confusion evident on his features. Jungkook smiled, leaning against the counter and shrugging his shoulders.

"How do you- but you were in the hospital with me-" Jimin began, interrupted by a quick peck on his lips, "I have my ways..." Jungkook smirked, backing away slowly, Jimin completely dazed from the kiss simply nodded, disregarding that he was still above confused.

He giggled, shaking his head slightly, "I won't even ask."

Jimin glimpsed down once he felt a sudden tug at his pants, eyes meeting with Jeonsan's excited one's, "mama, mama when can I see small baby again?" He asked, hopping a bit as his small fisted hands held onto the bunched up material.

"Well he's sleeping right now and I'm gonna go sleepy too since I'm tired, but in a few hours he'll be up most likely."

"Okay I'll wait!" Jeonsan squealed, a happy smile taking over his lips, skipping off to his own room to play.

After that Jimin exhaled, giving Jungkook one last prompt kiss before he went back to the bedroom, finally able to get his needed rest.

He quickly checked on Hyun-ki who was still sound asleep, Jimin really hoped it'd stay that way for at least and hour, but that proably wouldn't even be the case.

Once he fell into the soft mattress he felt his eyes instantly droop, light smile placing itself over his lips as he thought of everything that's happened and how much his life has truly changed.

If someone told him he'd be with Jungkook again and have another baby a year and a half ago he'd call them downright crazy.

Life just throws things at you sometimes and as much as you wanna hide it away from yourself you have to face it on, shrugging it off wouldn't have gotten him anywhere.

So as Jimin drifted off he couldn't help but feel this new sense within his heart, he didn't know exactly what it was yet, but it just felt so faultless and absolute.

This chapter sucks, I wrote it way too quickly, but I'm leaving for camping soon and I'm kinda rushing...so I'm gonna update like crazy tomorrow :)

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