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No one in the room said anything. One side mostly confused, unsure if they should ignore the odd things Jeonsan was still going on about.

Jimin chuckled awkwardly, scratching his neck as he eyed Jungkook for some sort of help on what he could possibly say. The other simply shrugged in return, trying to pull Jeonsan away as he was still hugging Jimin's stomach.

"Uh anyways..." Hee-young began, brows still furrowed as she gave them skeptical and confusion filled looks.

Jungkook had successfuly pulled Jeonsan away from Jimin, shutting him by quietly telling him he'd get him some ice cream later.

Surprisingly the conversation continued normally after that, it was quite clear that it was done forcefully but Jimin was thankful for that.

By the time they were ready to leave they arranged another time to meet. Once the doors finally closed and it was just the three of them Jimin let out a long exasperated sigh.

"D-do you think they understood what Jeonsan was saying?" Jimin questioned hesitantly. "I don't know," Jungkook mumbled while tapping on his chin, "it did seem quite obvious but they dropped it so don't be too concerned... I'm telling them soon anyways." He added.

"When's soon?" Jimin asked tentatively, leaning forward for Jungkook to answer. "Soon means soon." He chuckled.

"Please make soon veryyy soon, I don't want to make this any worse," Jimin pouted, "I'm 17 weeks, we'll find out the damn gender soon, as scary as it is you should just flat out say it...honestly should have told them after all that stuff Jeonsan was doing." Jimin huffed.

He glanced back over to Jungkook who had his eyes widened and mouth slightly agape, "What?" Jimin questioned, confused why Jungkook seemed so shocked.

"Y-you said gender." He blurted, Jimin slowly nodded, puzzled since Jungkook was just stating the obvious. "I did..." he giggled.

"A-as in i-if they're a b-boy or girl." Jungkook stammered, eyes seemingly about to pop out of his head. "Yes, last time I checked that's what gender is," Jimin laughed. "Why do keep repeating what I said?" He added.

"I-it's just, it's really all real..." Jungkook mumbled, "it's hard to believe that you're actually pregnant sometimes." He whispered.

"Well believe it." Jimin chuckled lightly, falling back into the couch.

Jungkook joined him, sitting down in a complete daze "Y-you're having a baby," he said slowly, eyes trained ahead. Jimin broke out into tiny little giggles "we know," he said comically. "M-my baby..." Jungkook mumbled, Jimin promptly shook his head to the side, scoffing playfully, "our baby." He laughed, smiling as he leaned onto Jungkook's shoulder.

"Y-yeah our baby." Jungkook repeated slowly, the prettiest smile painting over his lips as he finally looked back towards the other.

Their moment was short lived, interrupted by small distressed whines coming from down the hall. Jimin sighed while getting up, he had put Jeonsan down for a nap once both Jungkook's parents had left, hoping it'd help to calm him down a bit.

"No no I'll get him," Jungkook insisted, words being rushed as he got straight up and paced down the hall to the bedroom.

He opened the door slowly, eyes darting over to the bed where Jeonsan was sitting. His face was bright red and nose quite runny as he used his small hands to wipe away his tears.

He took a seat next to the toddler staring down at him, throwing him a questionable yet lively look, "What's wrong buddy?" Jungkook asked softly, picking Jeonsan up and placing him in his lap.

"I-I'm s-so-sorryyy!" Jeonsan wailed, leaning down into Jungkook's chest as he cried more. "I-I j-jus-just love small b-baby." he stammered, glancing back up, his face even more red than before.

"Why are you saying sorry? Buddy you didn't do anything wrong." Jungkook reassured, bringing his hand forward to push some of the hair out of Jeonsan's face.

"B-but why mama push away?" Jeonsan squeaked, pouting as he continued, "and dada yell?" He added.

Jungkook breathed out in realization, nodding slowly. "I wasn't mad at you when I yelled. I promise...and it was wrong of me to do so, I'm sorry." Jungkook soothed, noticing how Jeonsan's features lifted.

"But mama still mad?" Jeonsan mumbled. Jungkook chuckled while shaking his head, "no he's not, I'll show you." He convinced, helping Jeonsan off the bed and leading him back to the living room.

Once there, Jeonsan shyly waddled over to the couch, sticking out his arms as he pushed himself up.

Jungkook sat next to Jeonsan, smiling lightly. "He thinks you're mad at him." He said to Jimin, words ending with a slight laugh since he knew how wrong that was.

Jimin's brows instantly furrowed, frown making its way to his lips as he looked down at Jeonsan.

"Where'd you get that?" Jimin questioned, quickly grasping under Jeonsan's arms brining him closer. "P-pushed away..." Jeonsan said quietly, eyes focused on his hands as his head was now leaning down.

"Well...I did, but it wasn't because I was mad, It's impossible for me to be mad at you." Jimin comforted, leaning closer to boop Jeonsan's nose, causing him to emit tiny giggles.

"But then...why push away?" Jeonsan tried again, tilting his head to the side. "All I wanted...was to hug small baby!" Jeonsan squealed.

"I know," Jimin smiled, tickling Jeonsan slightly. "And that's why I had to push you away, you see not everyone knows about small baby, when you did that it kinda made it seem like..." Jimin scratched at his head, searching for words to explain this easily.

"We didn't tell them yet." Jungkook stated evidently, Jeonsan nodded, pretending he understood but in reality he didn't exactly care anymore since he knew they weren't actually mad.

"Th-they gone?" Jeonsan suddenly asked, Jimin's brow rose but nonetheless he nodded at the question.

After getting his answer Jeonsan almost immediately lunged forward, gently wrapping his arms around Jimin's stomach.

Jimin's eyes widened from surprise as he didn't really expect that, but still laughing quietly at the toddlers cute antics.

He glimpsed over to Jungkook who's eyes were filled with adoration, the most brilliant smile adorned his lips as he stared at them...

Glancing away as he whispered how cute they were to himself.

Sorry about not updating for a week, I've been really sick :/

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