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It had been about two weeks since Jimin's whole situation with his mom, he gave into it and arranged to have her come over and see Jeonsan...but what he didn't tell her was that Jungkook was also hopefully going to be there.

It was Saturday and that was one of the 4 days out the week Jungkook got to see Jeonsan, Jimin didn't want to tell him to not come because knowing Jungkook he'd need a reason.

Jeonsan was sitting in the entrance right next to door, he started doing this not to long ago, the toddler knew the days his dad would be there somehow, and always waited for him.

"Baby it's gonna be another 10 minutes before he even gets here, why don't you come and eat breakfast with mama?" Jimin asked.

Jeonsan just shook his head and scooted closer to the door, "NO! Wait for dada." He exclaimed. Jimin just smiled at Jeonsan's cute antics nodding at him as he pulled out his phone.

He clicked on the texts with his mom from the night before, sighing while reading over them.
She was coming over for dinner. Right now it was 11am so it wasn't too far away and Jimin was in fact dreading it.

He'd have to pretend like he still considered her his mom when the reality of it...even if it sounded cruel, he truly didn't think she deserved that title for him anymore.

His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of someone knocking on the door, "come in it's unlocked." He shouted from the kitchen, already knowing it was Jungkook.

Jungkook entered the aprantment cheerfully, glancing down at Jeonsan who was jumping up desperately wanting to be in his dad's arms. He leaned down and picked him up, Jeonsan just kept squealing and hugged Jungkook closely.

"I missed dada." Jeonsan whimpered, Jungkook chuckled a bit, carrying Jeonsan over to the couch, "I was just here yesterday." he laughed.

The duo just sat on the couch cuddling for a bit till they eventually joined Jimin in the kitchen. Jungkook placed Jeonsan into his high chair then walked to over to where Jimin was seated and took the chair next to him.

"I Uh need to tell you something..." Jimin said, the anxiousness present in his tone. "Yeah sure what is it?" Jungkook asked nonchalantly.

"M-my Mom is coming over today..." Jimin stammered, Jungkook frowned at his words, quickly glimpsing over at Jeonsan then back to Jimin, "As long as you want that, also you should have just told me earlier and I wouldn't have come over to bother you guys today." Jungkook explained.

"N-no that's the thing...I wan- no I need you to stay today." Jimin mumbled shyly. "Oh?" Jungkook smiled leaning closer to Jimin "I guess I'll stay then."

Jimin timidly nodded, feeling a bit shy over their close proximity, he stood up and went over to the counter to get their breakfast.

The three of them ate together, Jungkook Awing at how messy Jeonsan was being and Jimin rolling his eyes since he'd have to clean it up.

After eating they went to the living area, Jimin and Jungkook chatted about things while Jeonsan whined about them not playing with him.

"So how's Jin? Jungkook asked while picking at his nails, "He's doing alright, I still feel horrible for having him watch Jeonsan when I have work." Jimin answerd.

"Why don't you just let me watch him...you take the later shift almost always and all my classes are done by then." Jungkook insisted.

"I know...and I also know that Jeonsan would love seeing you everyday...b-but what about yourself, don't you need time to study or hangout with you friends, do normal stuff..." Jimin said dejectedly.

"Jimin I'm acing all my classes, there's honestly no need for me to study I barely do, and I'd rather be here than hangout with my friends, and to me this is normal stuff I love Jeonsan he's my son and I prefer to be with the two of you any day over some dumb college party." Jungkook declared.

When Jungkook finished what he was saying it left Jimin flabbergasted, he knew Jungkook cared but never did he think he'd put Jeonsan and him before basically everything else in his life. He'd only met Jeonsan not too long ago.

Jimin didn't have much to say to Jungkook's caring words so he leaned in and hugged him tightly. You'd think a normal hug would last a few seconds, but Jimin and Jungkook stayed like that for a solid minute, just in each other's hold.

They were soon interrupted by the continuous whines of Jeonsan who was still on floor with his toys. "Playyy!" He screamed which got Jungkook and Jimin's attention.

"Okay baby but don't yell," Jimin giggled.
For a few hours the three of them did normal actives such as playing with Jeonsan and watching tv.

Around 4pm Jeonsan began to get tired, so Jimin put him down in their room for a nap. Him and Jungkook stayed in the living talking about the most random things, "I can't believe that happened, what did you even think of me?" Jungkook laughed, recollecting the time they had their first date.

They had secretly met up at a boba shop, Jimin was 15 and Jungkook 17, they were already close friends prior to their date so everything was going smoothly until Jimin made some corny joke...Jungkook found it so funny that he laughed so hard boba came out of his nose.

Of course Jungkook got extremely embarrassed and Jimin giggled at him, but 17 year old him tried his absolute best to hide how flustered he was.

"Honestly I thought the whole thing was cute, but like...the joke wasn't even that funny!" Jimin smiled, eyes becoming little crescent moons. "To 17 year old me I guess it was." Jungkook shrugged while laughing.

"What about you, what did you think of me?"
Jimin asked, his soft eyes peering up at the other. Jungkook just beamed down at Jimin, he adjusted his position on the couch and got closer to him.

"Honestly I thought you were the most beautiful person in the world, I could barley think straight around you...a-and when you weren't around me you were all I ever thought about, my mind was just so fogged with you and it wasn't even a bad thing, you helped me understand why everything had so much of a purpose to it-" Jungkook stopped when he noticed how both his and Jimin's faces were only a few inches apart.

"S-sorry that explanation was a bit long." Jungkook whispered, his eyes flickering down to Jimin's lips. Jimin just admired Jungkook wordlessly until he could sense the other slowly but surly leaning in.

Jimin was about to shut his eyes closed until he heard the loud knocks coming from his door. Both of them hurriedly pulled away, Jungkook clearing his throat and scratching his neck awkwardly.

Jimin stood up from the couch heading to the door but stopped and turned, sure him and Jungkook may have almost just kissed but that didn't change the fact of who he was going to face and now he couldn't do it alone.

He bashfully signaled Jungkook to come with him, but the other just seemed to be in some sort of dismay, and was sitting on the couch frozen. He was brought out of it when the pounding on the door got even louder so he ambled over to Jimin.

Taking a deep breath Jimin opened the door to be met with his slightly annoyed 'mother' she looked at him plastering a smile onto her lips.
She glanced over to the left a bit seeing Jungkook directly behind Jimin. Her face instantly fell and she scowled.

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