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How- literally how?! We hit 500 reads yesterday and now we're close to 700 today, wtf thank youu 😭 (also I love how we're going up in cringeworthy 😂)

It was nearing night, and like most times Jungkook stayed over they'd all sleep in the same room, it equaled no complaints from Jeonsan and he got to cuddle with Jimin so it was a win-win.

Jungkook sighed, glancing over to other side of the bed where Jimin and Jeonsan were all cuddled up, the two year old drifting off into sleep as Jimin stroked his hair repetitively, whispering sweet nothings into the baby's ear.

"Jimin.." he whispered, catching the aforementioneds attention, "Yes?" he breathed, looking him in the eyes. "Thank you..." Jungkook murmured, leaning forward to capture the others lips, Jimin's eyes slowly widened but then fluttered closed, their lips gradually met, and Jimin consciously kissed him back. Jimin felt Jungkook smile into the kiss so he slowly pulled away, "J-Jungkook...what are we?"

Jungkook felt his heart start to hammer against his ribcage after hearing the question leave Jimin's mouth, "What do you want us to be?" He asked, eyes glimmering with hope.
"I-I don't know..." Jimin replied, glancing in every direction but him.

The two stayed silent for what seemed like centuries till Jungkook finally spoke up, "It's late...we can talk about it tomorrow let's just get some sleep." Jungkook insisted, attempting to turn the other way, but before he got the chance he felt jimins small hand clutching onto his shoulder.

"What did you Thank me for?" Jimin said, remembering the two words Jungkook had uttered before their kiss. "Everything..." Jungkook mumbled, shutting his eyes.

"You're not even asleep," Jimin laughed, shaking his head. "Shhh yes I am!" Jungkook whisper shouted. Jimin giggled, he tucked his arms behind his head and closed his eyes lightly, before drifting off to sleep he took one last glance at Jeonsan who was still deep in his slumber, hopefully far off in his little dram land.


It was a few hours later that Jungkook was awoken by repeated hitting on his chest, his eyes shot open, adjusting to the darkness of the room. "Jungkook wake up!" Jimin yelled, panic evident in his tone, "I'm up I'm up, what is it?" He asked groggily, trying to shake off the sleepyness.

"It's Jeonsan..." Jimin squeaked fearfully, and now that Jungkook was more aware he noticed the painful whines coming from behind him, he whipped his head around to see the toddler crying. "W-what's wrong?" he asked urgently, looking back at Jimin. "H-he has a fever..." Jimin replied, his hands were extremely jittery and he seemed all over the place...

"Y-you've dealt with that before right?" Jungkook questioned, "Here how about I get him a warm wash cloth and his Sippy cup, with uh cold water maybe that will help." Jungkook added, trying to remember what his mom did for him as a child.

Jimin vigorously shook his head back and fourth, tears now sliding from the corners of his eyes, "N-no Jungkook you don't understand we have to bring him to the hospital!" Jimin cried. "Hospital? Was his temperature really that high?" his voice was now sturdy and alert, all drowsiness vanishing from before.

"Please Jungkook! I'll explain it on the way there," Jimin yelled, leaning down to scoop up the wailing Jeonsan. "O-okay..." Jungkook stammered, switching his eyes to the clock noticing it was 3am...

Both of them rushed around the apartment, grabbing their shoes, keys, and Jimin a small back pack. Once they reached the car Jimin didn't even bother to place Jeonsan into his car seat, he simply held him close to his chest while they were seated in the front.

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