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Jimin sat in his chair at the front desk casually  going through his phone. There wasn't really any customers considering it was still quite early in the morning, so he thought why do nothing.

As he suddenly heard the slide door open he was ready to greet the person with a sweet "welcome!" Or "Good morning!", but he was interrupted by the sudden ringing of his phone, he looked down seeing that it was Jin, making him slightly panic because for the long time that Jin had babysat Jeonsan he never called, almost seemly a natural with Jeonsan, but that being said Jeonsan did cry a lot, one trait he did get from his mom.

Jimin quickly answered, "Is everything alright?" He frantically asked, hearing Jeonsan's faint crying in the back.

Jin just sighed, "Yeah he just won't stop asking about you, he said his tummy hurts and he won't feel better till he see's mommy." Jimin's worry slowly washed away since it wasn't too serious but also hoped his baby wasn't sick or anything.

"Of course, I can FaceTime you in like ten minutes there's only like one person in here." Jin just agreed and hung up. Jimin heard the soft sound of something being placed on counter he looked up with a smile, but then his eyes instantly widened.

"M-Mrs. Jeon, uh how are you?" Jimin said forcing a smile on his face.

"Oh! Jimin it's great to see you, how long has it been, 3 years?!" She chuckled while pushing more items onto the counter.

"Something like that," Jimin said cheerfully, but in reality he was trying to brush off the anxiety that was forming in the pit of his stomach. "And to answer your question I've been amazing, what about you dear." Jimin wasn't one to lie often so he just decided to be truthful wasn't like he'd even see her again after this...he hoped.

"I've been alright." Jimin forced out, his mouth felt incredibly dry it just hurt to talk, as so many memories were crashing down on him in this moment.

Mrs. Jeon just nodded while Jimin carefully put all her items in bags. Jimin felt his heart ache when it hit him that she's literally Jeonsan's grandmother... sadly they'd both never know.

"Have a nice day!" Jimin said a bright, but fake smile plastered on his face. His brows furrowed when she leaned closer towards him.

"Don't fake that smile of yours, when you have a beautiful real one." She whispered.

Jimin didn't quite know what to say kinda at a loss for words, during the entirety of time that he had dated J- thou shall not be named, she was always so kind and loving towards him so the guilt Jimin felt was very intense.

He just awkwardly chuckled "I-I guess, uh it was nice seeing you!" He said as she walked towards the doors.

Once she was gone he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in, noticing nobody was in the store he thought it'd be a good time to FaceTime Jin.

He skipped over the the break room and sat down pulling out his phone, admiring how utterly adorable the smiley picture of Jeonsan was as his lock screen.

He clicked onto Jin's contact smiling instantly when he saw Jeonsan holding the phone but it quickly faltered when he noticed his baby's tear stained cheeks.

"Mamaaa..." Jeonsan drawled out a pout on his lips as he sadly looked at Jimin.

"Babyy what's wrong?" Jimin sadly whispered, already so distraught by his son being in some sort of discomfort or pain.

"My tummy hurts." Jeonsan whimpered, he obviously wanted to say more than that but being only two his sentences almost never contained more than 4 words.

"Okay I'll be home soon just sit tight, ok?"
Jeonsan just slowly nodded at Jimin's words.
His little Pout still decorating his lips.

Once Jimin hung up he walked over to his co-worker Holly. "Hey Holly do you think you could cover the rest of my shift, I think Jeonsan got sick, I really need to see if he's okay." Jimin said sadly with almost pleading eyes.

Holly just smiled and nodded. Since Jimin worked at the store even when he was pregnant most of the workers knew about his situation some of them had even met Jeonsan before.

"Thank you so much!" Jimin yelled while quickly running out the door not being able to wait another minute to know if Jeonsan was alright.

Was he freaking out? A little bit, maybe, but Jeonsan was everything to him, besides Jin he's all Jimin has, he's his baby and he loves him immensely.

Once Jimin reached the apartment after the 15 minute drive he rushed through the door, eyes bouncing around the room looking for Jeonsan.

"Mama!" He heard the two year old, then saw him scurrying into the room with his arms open, Jimin picking him up right away then holding him closely.

"Do you need some medicine?" Jimin asked calmly after smothering Jeonsan with kisses on his forehead, nose, and adorable chubby cheeks.

"Y-yes" Jeonsan squeaked while he pulled at some of Jimin's blonde strands.

but before Jimin even had the chance to go towards the cabinets he heard a startling sound...

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