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Jungkook was planning to propose.

His timing may have not been the best, but he knew he wanted to do this more than anything.

He knew they were still quite young, and weren't exactly in a great financial situation...but he still wanted to do it.

He had a long conversation with his parents about it, his mother offering her ring to him since she knew that Jungkook couldn't afford one at the moment.

It had taken both his parents time to get accustomed to the fact that Jimin was pregnant in the first place, of course they weren't compelty shocked when he had told them since Jeonsan basically gave it away.

His parents wished him luck with it all, reality slowly creeping up on them that their son was really an adult with an entire family of his own.

Jungkook was pushing himself to arrange something as soon as possible since he wanted to propose before the baby was born.

He was thinking...the beach?

It wasn't a horrible idea considering it was where the date they'd been on that basically...led up to the baby existing.

Besides that he knew Jimin truly loved it there and was a sucker for the breath taking sunsets.

He wanted to try explain the whole thing to Jeonsan beforehand, hopeful the toddler wouldn't spoil anything.

To say the least it was...difficult

"Dada is gonna ask Mama to Marry him." Jungkook had flat out said, the toddler simply giggled in return nodding his head then confusedly, repeating the word 'Marry?'

Even if Jeonsan didn't understand the entire concept Jungkook still wanted to bring him along since well, he didn't really have a choice and he knew it'd be cute that way.

He wasn't exactly sure how he would get Jimin out of the house considering the male was usually in his room.

Jimin was currently 36 weeks, and going out or participating in anything too intensive or being overactive was extremely tiring.

The beach would be a good place since it's more so calm, and he wouldn't have to do any crazy convincing that would leave Jimin suspicious.

So the beach it is.


"Jimin!" Jungkook cheerfully called, sliding over to the kitchen where the other was going through the fridge.

"What do you want?" The aforementioned yelled out return, harsh tone causing Jungkook's eyes to widen, wondering if the male was in some sort of mood then realizing he basically always was since he was pregnant.

"I wanted to know if you wanted to go to the beach tonight?" Jungkook shyly mumbled, eyes drifting over to Jimin's facial features that were furrowed in confusion.

"Why the beach?" He questioned, huffing as he closed the fridge and held onto the side of the counter.

"Well...why not? It's pretty and y'know Jeonsan can run around and play or whatever." Jungkook tried, crossing his fingers and repeating please in his mind.

"Yeah okay that's fine you can go to the beach." Jimin shrugged, pacing over to the living area.

"B-but you have to come too!"

"And why's that?" Jimin scoffed, raising his brows as stretched his arms tiredly.

"Cmon Jimin, this is gonna be the last time for a while that we get to do something like this, when the baby is born everything is gonna be so hectic, so why not have a relaxing walk on the beach..." Jungkook explained, nervously playing with his hands.

Jimin slowly nodded, "I guess you're right..." he sighed.

"Yay! You won't regret it!" Jungkook beamed cheerfully, leaning down and pressing a quick peck against a confused Jimin's lips.



Soon the evening rolled around and the little family arrived at the beach.

The only sound heard was the crashing of waves and Jeonsan's high pitched screaming as he chased a seagull.

Jimin chuckled, slumping his upper half against Jungkook, his feet already hurt from standing, and there wasn't exactly anywhere to sit.

"Are you getting tired?" Jungkook asked, Jimin slowly nodded, light smile painted on his plump lips, "Yeah but I'll be fine."

Jungkook looked away briefly, nervously biting at his lips, completely unsure of what to say or how to even get this started.

"Jimin...you know I love you right." He whispered. Jimin giggled, getting up onto his tippy toes and pressing a short but deep kiss to Jungkooks lips.

"Of course I do dummy, and I love you more." He smiled.

"I-it's just that...this past year and...however long it's been with you, has changed my life for the better, everything seriously shifted once we reconnected...I got a son, and another after that too," he chuckled, peering down at Jimin's baby bump.

"So...I want you to know just how important you are to me, how much you mean to me, and how much I truly do love you..."

"Enough that I want to spend the rest of my life with you." Jungkook clearly spoke, getting down onto his knee and promptly pulling out the box.

Jimin stood there frozen for a few seconds, eyes widening before Jungkook uttered his ending words.

"Will you Marry me?"

"I-I w-w-what, y-you, I-I" Jimin stuttered, brining his hands up to cover his mouth.

"Is that a yes?" Jungkook hesitantly questioned.

"Of course it is," Jimin let out, still frozen from shock. Soon enough it hit him and tears began to stream down his face, loud sobs emitting from his throat as he hid his face.

Jungkook frowned, standing up and bringing Jimin close into his chest. They stayed like that for a bit, tight in each other's brace, whispering sweet words to each other.

It long enough for Jeonsan to come running up to the two, tugging the bottom of Jimin's pants, wondering why his mom was crying.

Eventually Jungkook pushed Jimin out of his chest, gently taking his hand and slipping the ring onto his finger, action only causing him to giggle a bit through his tears.

"Mama I wanna see!" Jeonsan bursted, bouncing on his feet as reached up for Jimin's hand.

Jimin lowered his shaky hand, laughing slightly as the toddler oohed at it.


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