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Jungkook wanted to tell his mom...he did, but he wasn't exactly sure how. He was never very good at those long conversations that lead into it but that was probably better then just blurting "Oh hey I actually have a kid."

She was coming over his apartment today and that's when he planned on explaining it all, and if it went well, hopefully she'd be able to meet Jeonsan by the end of the week. He was seated on a chair in his living room, watching as each minute ticked on the clock, anticipating her a rival. Eventually that time came around and Jungkook anxiously paced to the door after hearing a soft knock.

Once he opened it he was embraced into a bone crushing hug. "I missed you!" his mom shouted. "I missed you too Mom," Jungkook chuckled. He took her fragile hands and lead her over to the couch, he felt his breath quicken but tried his best to hide it. "I-I'd like to t-talk to you about some stuff," he stammered, fixing he posture a bit to appear put together.

"Sure honey what is it?" Her tone was specifically sweet and welcoming. "W-well I just wanted to let you know before hand it's a-a lot..." he whispered. "Is there something wrong?" She questioned, features gradually furrowing. "To me no b-but it's still something that's gonna shock you...please don't be mad..." Jungkook whispered, looking down at his fingers.

"I can't make any promises but I'll try to not freak out," she reassured, taking a hold of Jungkook's shoulder and giving it a light squeeze. He nodded looking back up at her, "You remember Jimin right?" He asked, already knowing she did, but thinking it was a good way to start.

"Of course I do, he was the sweetest!" She beamed," her smile seemed almost nostalgic as she recollected memories of the boy. "I Uh got back into contact with him, and he has a son...his name is Jeonsan," Jungkook added, he could feel himself starting to panick unsure of what to say next. "Well that's nice I guess...he's quite young but as long as he's happy," she grinned. "T-that's the thing mom...h-his son is also-" Jungkook broke of, he looked straight into his mothers eyes, why is it so hard to do this he thought to himself.

"He's also my son."

Her eyes instantly widened and she brought her hand up to her mouth after gasping... "When did this happen?" She asked, emotion void from her words, she didn't seem angry about it...just slightly disappointed and confused. "I-it was 3 years ago but I just found out a couple months ago..." Jungkook mumbled.

"Months ago, why didn't you tell me then?!" She snapped, completely disregarding her agreement from before. "I had to work t-things out with Jimin, he had to get used to me and now that everything is okay and I felt ready to tell you...please don't be mad..."

"I-I'm not mad, I just don't really understand," she shook her head in disbelief, drumming her fingers across the arm of the chair she was seated in, "You're telling me you got Jimin...your ex boyfriend Jimin pregnant...what three years ago?" The look in her eyes was one of almost pure confusion. "That would be right," Jungkook replied, lightly chuckling because he had no clue on what else to do.

She stood, sauntering over the other side of the room, she layed herself down onto the long comfy couch closing her eyes, "Uhh mom what are you doing?" He questioned, unsure why she suddenly left their conversation.

"I'm thinking Jungkook just let me think." She retorted. Jungkook fidgeted, feeling a bit apprehensive, he sighed and shook his head and let his mom have her little moment. After a solid ten minutes of silence she opened her eyes and sat up, "Okay."

Jungkook's lips tugged down a bit at her response, "What do you mean okay?" the under tone of his voice held slight annoyance, he didn't come into this expecting a joyful reaction but her behavior was getting to him.

"Okay as in...I'm okay with this, I mean we can't reverse things like this and I believe everything happens for a reason," she declared. "And I'm assuming your happy with this?" She added. Jungkook instantly nodded, "it was a bit hard at first...but that's my family and I don't plan on leaving them." He stated proudly. "So you and Jimin are back together?" She asked, carding her hands through her curled brown hair. "N-not exactly..." Jungkook stammered. She shook her head again in distaste.

"So...did he just keep it from you for 3 years?" Annoyance laced her words, "because if so, why? that's in no way okay." She added.
"Y-yeah he did, b-but you don't understand things ended on a bad note, and got pretty complicated, obviously still not a good enough reason but now he blames himself completely for keeping it away from me." He blurted.

"I see...well I can tell this is something very important to you now so I'll put my dismay to the side," she said slowly, her bright smile reappearing on her lips, Jungkook's eyes widened and he rushed over towards to other couch, embracing his mom, "Thank you Thank you! You don't understand how much this means to me!" He shouted cheerfully.

She nodded and patted his head, "So when can I meet them?" She questioned, "I was thinking around the end of the week, I'm usually at his place but it'd make more sense for it to be here." he explained. "A-also he's really shy," he chuckled, eyes twinkling as he thought of how adorable Jeonsan was, he shook his head promptly focusing back on his mother who simply nodded. "Like reallyyy shy," Jungkook elaborated, chuckling a bit.

"That's alright I'm not worried, what you should be worried about is telling all of this to your father." she laughed. "Uhh yeah, he kinda already knows," he whispered, awkwardly scratching his neck. His mother abruptly stood up, "You told him before me?!" She shouted. Jungkook brought his thumb and index finger up to his face, pinching his nose in frustration.

"No mom, I mean he knew before I knew, in fact he saw Jimin 3 years ago when he was pregnant and just didn't feel like telling me," he laughed sarcastically, each word holding more hurt than the previous. "What the hell are you taking about?!" She yelled, "I'm not lying mom, ask dad if you don't believe me." He stated.

"I never said I didn't believe you but you're telling me he just kept that away on purpose? What the..." she was rapidly cut off by the prompt knock at the door. Jungkook hadn't invited anyone over so it left him a bit puzzled, but none the less he trudged forward to open the door, once he did he was met with a frazzled Jimin with Jeonsan placed on his hip fast asleep.

"Hey sorry for no notice but I got called into work and Jin's not feeling too good you think you could watch him for me?" Jimin asked, fumbling with the keys in his other hand. "I Uh..." he glanced back at his mom who had her arms crossed, hopefully not able to hear their conversation. "Jimin my mom's here," he whisper. "Right now!?" Jimin shouted, catching the attention of the woman behind the door.

"You know what, it's fine I'll watch him he's sleeping anyway so it's whatever..." he said, rushing over his words as he heard his mother slowly approach. He carefully grabbed the sleeping toddler from Jimin's arms, rocking him a bit when he began to shift. "Uh bye!" Jungkook urged, slamming the door in Jimin's face, not wanting the boy to witness his mother's reaction...in case it was bad.

He turned back to her stiffly, glancing down at Jeonsan and back at her. "I uhhh..." he started, but was cut off by the woman hastily raising her hand to silence him, "Its alright, I heard your conversation, you're terrible at whispering," she chuckled, nearing the two.

Jeonsan's silky hair was flopped in front of his face, that was squished against Jungkook's shoulder. "He looks like you," she smiled.

Just letting y'all know Gossip & Inure are gonna be slow updates till Complete is completed (love the wordplay 🤪)

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