(1). First Day Jitters

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Scott^^^ (Tom Webb)

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Scott^^^ (Tom Webb)

Scott POV 🎓

"Hey, wake your cute butt up" My mans voice cooed.

I groaned tiredly. I was face down on the bed with my body splayed out like a starfish. I heard a small huff of frustration before the thick warm blanket enveloping me was suddenly ripped away. My eyes snapped open before curling into myself to conserve my body heat.

I growled at the man before me "You ass! I was trying to sleep!" I snapped. He raised an unimpressed eyebrow before speaking "I'm doing you a favor kitten. I mean, you don't wanna be late on the first of your new job.. don't you?" He said. He had a smug look on his face as my groggy form instantly filled with energy at the reminder.

"Holy shit, it's my first day as a teacher!" I squealed. I jumped out of bed and quickly brushed my teeth. I have been preparing for this my whole life! I had visited the campus already and I have my classroom decorated head to toe in with educational posters and memes. I'm sure the students will love it! I know history isn't the most enticing subject but I wanna try my best to keep the students engaged.

I've had a couple run ins with the teachers at the campus. One of them was particularly attractive but my man, Kelvin would kill me if I said that out loud.

Anyway, the teacher, Mr. Tyce was a really nice guy, a real gentlemen and even gave me a tour of the campus. Needless to say all the female teachers and a handful of male teachers gave me the stink eye when they saw me walk with him down the halls.

But I'm getting off topic, back to my first day! I spat out the toothpaste and gargled some mouthwash. After that I splashed my face with cold water to really wake myself up before a small knock caught my attention.

Kelvin was leaning on the doorframe with his arms crossed when he came over to me. He placed his phone on the counter in front of us before he wrapped his arms around me from behind. He kissed the top of my head before sighing "You know how happy and proud I am for you, right?" He whispered. I nodded "You helped me find the job babe, I swear you're the best" I murmured, leaning into his chest.

He chuckled softly before his phone rang on the counter. The screen lit up briefly, revealing the name Bryce with accompanying suggestive emojis to his name.

Before my mind could even read the text, Kelvin quickly snatched to phone and gave me a sheepish grin "M-my ex, he's been texting me lately" he explained nervously. My head tilted "I've never heard you talk about a Bryce before? And why are his emojis still there?" I asked, my tone raising with each word.

He flinched before quickly coming to my side, rubbing my arm in an attempt to calm me down. "Hey, hey. I just forgot okay? I'll change it now-"

"But why are his emojis still there? You don't just forget" I asked frustratedly. He glared at me "I don't know! I-I just forgot okay?! Why are you always at my ass about everything?! Can't I have some privacy!" He yelled defensively.

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