(30). Test Score: 85

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Mr.  Arakowa :3

Ace POV 🎒
September 23, Wednesday

In the week and a half that passed not much has changed school wise. I still fucking hate it obviously, but this time I get to be a little more touchy feely with Teach. He on the other hand despises me every time I do it, I've gotten especially good at doing it while he's teaching which pisses him off even more.

Scott had asked Jackson if he could tell me a little bit about what he told him. Jackson said the whole world might as well know how much of a terrible person he is, but he allowed it.I can only imagine what someone like Jackson would have seen, to remember your closest friends just die, it must be horrible.

After a few thoughtful minutes I managed to make it in Scott's classroom. Thankfully he's pretty lenient with students eating in his class before school starts, he's especially lenient with me *wink *wink.

I smiled when I saw him "How are you?" I whispered.

Scott looked up and smiled as he graded papers "I'm ok. I'm just worried about Jackson. He's barely left his room since we talked. Benny already told Dad when he got back the other day and he didn't take it well" he explained.

Scott rubbed his temples "Jackson feels so guilty about everything, Ace, and there's nothing I can do to convince him otherwise" he mumbled.

"Look I'm sorry about the whole buttplug comment a week ago it really wasn't The best time to say-"

"No, you're fine. You didn't know and It helped take my mind off of things for a second so thank you" he giggled. "But yeah, I just don't know what to do. When Jackson fell asleep last night Benny snuck out of my room to continue talking to me. He's really scared about Jacksons mental state right now, he was put on suicide watch for a couple weeks till he got discharged so he's scared" he choked on the last word and coughed loudly.

"I'm sorry, it makes me really emotional seeing him like this. I hope he knows how much he means to us, I don't know what I'd do if I lost him" he mumbled.

His lips pulled a soft smile "On the bright side Benny managed to convince Jackson to go to therapy" he chirped. I smiled, pecking his forehead.

Scott looked at me curiously, man sometimes I just wanna know what goes on in his little head. I raised a brow "Whats with that look?" I asked.

He shrugged "Why are you so handsome?" He chirped. My eyes widened "Excuse me?" he nodded "Oh you know what I said, why the hell are you so hot?" He repeated.

I sputtered "Huh? I-I don't get the question" I asked.

He sighed "I don't know call me crazy I just think it's weird that a guy as attractive as you would pick me. Billions of other people to choose from and you somehow snagged me instead, I just feel so out of your league it's almost comical" he explained.

I scoffed "Think of it this way, I didn't snag you. You snagged me, now you have a hot guy all for yourself" I teased. He rolled his eyes "Wow how humble of you to refer to you're self as the 'hot guy'" he retorted. I raised a brow "Last time I check you were the one who called me handsome and hot but go off" I responded.

I was cut short by Fatima running in Scott's the classroom with her head covered by her hands. A group of people were helping her cover her head from view as she began to wrap her hijab around her head.

Scott stood up "Oh my god what happened? Are you ok Fatima?" he asked worriedly. One of the students with her spoke "Fatima was just getting her things from her locker when Amanda called her a bitch and ripped her hijab off. She started screaming at her before Jo began beating her ass" he explained.

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