(32). Don't Move Ace

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Aida and her man (They really said fashion (they have the same last name they're not married lmao)) ^^^

Ace POV 🎒

"Dad will you let me explain at least?" He begged. Anderson paced the room back and forth. Jackson and Benny were on the loveseat together as they watched some random show Jackson took occasional glances at us.

"No need Scott. So where do you want the wedding? France or Taiwan?" He chirped. Scott blushed "Dad! He's my student! He hasn't even graduated!" He snapped. Dad rolled his eyes "I like the guy, he's nice, respectful, and and protective. I don't have to do the work to keep your ass safe, so I love him" he explained.

Scott huffed following his dad in the office "Dad wait!" He whined.

I rolled my eyes and laid on the couch, glancing at Benny and Jackson. I tilted my head "Isn't that uncomfortable?" I asked. Jackson looked at me and nodded.

Benny had fallen asleep in his arms and left Jackson in a rather uncomfortable position where Benny is literally sleeping on top of him. Jackson shrugged "Anything for my baby, as long as he's comfortable I'm ok. Besides he's too cute to wake up so I just have to bear with it for the time being" he explained.

He smiled softly down at him before groaning quietly as Benny shifted himself on top of him. I recoiled "That looks painful Jackson, he's literally cutting off circulation in one of your arms" I said nervously. Jackson chuckled "I have a metal leg, ptsd, and a list of mental issues arm circulation is the least of my problems. As long as Benny is comfortable" he joked.

I looked at him and scoffed.

He's so in love it's actually gross.

I laid down on the couch and continued to watch the show till I heard Scott's voice. "Thanks Dad!" He said excitedly. I saw him make his way to the couch with an excited smile on his lips. I looked at him amusingly "What's with the look" I asked curiously. Scott squealed before plopping his entires body on top of me on the couch. I gasped in surprise as he embraced me by my neck "Dad said it's ok! We can cuddle all we want now!" He squeaked, laying his head on my chest.

And I'm clingy?!

"Why do you need your dads permission to do what you want? You're a grown man Scott" I said casually. Scott rolled his eyes "I'm living in his house rent/chore free the least I can do is ask for permission" he explained.

He nuzzled his face on my chest, slowly getting comfortable as he wrapped his arms around my torso. I groaned internally, holy shit that's fucking uncomfortable. I looked down at Scott with glare. "Hey Scott?-"

He looked up at me..

Fuck that's really cute. Like super cute.

He had a confused look on his face "Hm?"

His big brown doe like eyes were just.. ugh. I forced a smile "Nothing, I'm just happy that your dad is ok with us" I said. Scott nodded "I am too. I can't wait for you to graduate so we can be open about our relationship" he explained. I smirked "As if the whole school doesn't already think I've already left fucked you. I swear people in that school assume either the worst or the best in people" I chuckled.

Scott giggled quietly "Yeah, that sounds insane to think about" he mumbled quietly. I nodded in agreement "Exactly! I wouldn't just stop, I'd keep fucking you" I joked. Scott groaned "Wow, such a gentlemen. My hero" he mumbled dryly.

I smiled, it's nice that Scott's already used to my sexual teases. I remember the first I tried it and the poor guy could barely speak.

Scott yawned quietly "Sheesh I need sleep" he mumbled quietly. His eyes slowly began to close and after ten minutes he was fully asleep, on top of me.

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