(14). Carried Bridal Style

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Scott POV 🎓

"Yeah no that's very racist" I said. To say I'm shocked is an understatement. I have Amanda in my last class and she seemed so nice and polite when she spoke to other students. "That's what I've been saying! But Jo doesn't listen! She keeps justifying it by saying she doesn't know. If she fucking doesn't know than she doesn't, it still doesn't change the fact that it was a racist and offensive" he hissed.

I nodded in understanding "What does your friend, Albert think about the whole situation" I asked curiously. He looked at me blankly for a couple seconds before bursting into laughter "Albert doesn't know. And he's not exactly the smartest person either" he said in between chuckles. I nodded "Hey, since your gonna be here might as well get that meeting after school over with" I suggested. He just shrugged "Might as well" he griped.

I still can't believe I let him sleep through my class willingly. Ok, it's not my fault he looked so cute when he was sleeping. I wouldn't dare wake him in front of the class, he'd probably choke me to death or something.


...No not worth it.

He's lucky he sits at the back corner where no one can see him or I would've had to wake him up I gestured for him to sit in front of the desk to which he obliged. Casually grabbing a chair from one of the desks, his nonchalant attitude was made clear as he leaned back on the chair with both hands behind his head as he smirked playfully at me.

I just rolled my eyes before speaking "I..I look. I don't really need anything from you academic wise.. I just need someone to talk too outside of family" I admitted reluctantly. Aces teasing smirk slowly morphed into curiosity as he leaned forward in the seat  "What kind of conversation are we talking about?" He asked with a raised brow.

I was silent for a couple seconds before I took one big breath  "It kinda involves my past with my brother who emotionally and physically, but mostly emotionally abused me during our childhood and teen years that caused me to somewhat be spiteful of him but not really since I love him because he's my brother and I could never hate him but one day he left for the military and never told me which left me thinking he hated me and caused me even more emotional trauma but now he's back and came out to me and my dad before apologizing for everything he did but I still don't know how I feel about him... also I found out he slept with my first boyfriend" I took one deep breath as Ace stared at me dumbfounded.

He looked at me incredulously till he chuckled quietly "Jesus you're brother sounds like a complete prick" he joked. I scoffed before nodding "Thats putting it lightly" I replied. He shrugged "Well if it makes you feel any better I think I saw him at the mall earlier this week with his boyfriend. He seemed genuinely guilty for what he did when they spoke" he said softly.

The new bit of information put some reassurance in my mind that maybe he was genuine about what he said. A small smile pulled to my lips as Ace continued "Also he's really hot. Like extremely, almost unreal hot.. like to the point of intimi-"

"Ok! I get it! I didn't anticipate my own students fawning over my brother.. it's like high school but worse" I muttered in embarrassed. He only rolled his eyes "Oh like he's suppose to be ugly?" He retorted. I glared at him "That wasn't what I said! He's handsome sure but I'm tired of everyone.. sexualizing him" I admitted quietly.

I sighed after a couples seconds of silence "I just want to believe him Ace. I really wanna reconnect with my brother even if I punched him the face out of anger, but he kinda had it coming" I mumbled.

"Kinda? I would've kicked his ass if I was there. No one messes with what's mine and gets away with it" he growled. My brows scrunched at what he just said"What do you mean mi-"

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