(3). Sorry I'm Late

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Jo ^^^(Adut Akech)

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Jo ^^^(Adut Akech)

Scott POV 🎓


The bell rang!

Okay, calm down Scott you have everything prepared just introduce yourself! I sat at my desk nervously awaiting for the students to begin pouring into the classroom. "Stay calm Scott they're just hormonal teenagers on the cusp of adulthood. How bad can it be?" I nervously told myself.

It's been four minutes since the bell rang and none of them have shown up yet, which baffled me. "If all these students are late I swear" I mumbled to myself.

Than, I heard them.

"Is the door suppose to be locked?"

"You think the teachers late and that's why it's locked!"

"Ugh! I swear if the teacher is late!"

My faced paled at the realization. I had locked the door, preventing every student from entering the class. I mentally facepalmed and quickly rushed to unlock and open the door. Students began to pour in, all of them looking at me with utter confusion. I smiled politely at them "You guys can sit anywhere!" I chirped.

They continued to look at me with bewilderment till finally one of them spoke. "Wait. Are you the new teacher, Mr. Toby?" A guy asked. I nodded my head "Yep! I guess I was a bit younger than expected" I explained cheerfully. Students nodded while others bit there lip, eyeing me up and down.

"So how old are you?" A red headed girl asked.

"When did you graduate?" Goes another.

"Are you single?!" Goes a guy in varsity jacket.

I shook my head "Ok, all questions will be answered once everyone is seated" I said sternly.

A series of groans and sighs fill the room. The students began to tiredly find seats. Immediately friend began to converge into little groups around the room. Eventually modt tables were filled. Except for a couple empty ones at the back. "Can we ask the question now?!" The girl repeated. I shook my head "Not until I take attendance" I teased. "Come one Mr. Toby!" she whined. I shrugged "It won't take long" I answered.

A couple minutes later I had most students names, all I had was a couple more names and I'll be done.

"Alright. Micheal Holden!?" I yelled.


"Menna Karim?!"


"Alejandro Garcia?"


"Ace Ar-"



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