(10). Unforseen Painful Confessions

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Benny Moncada ^^^  (Micheal Hudson)

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Benny Moncada ^^^ (Micheal Hudson)

Ace POV 🎒

Who would've known Teaches name was Scott.


The Jackson guy talked about a Scott.

"Finally you let us in, I was wondering what was taking so long" Albert grumbled. I punched him the arm "Don't try me, I heard what happened after school today you horny idiot" I retorted. He only hissed in pain before glaring at me as he walked passed me inside.

My eyes widened before I shoved him back "Take off your shoes and put on your inside ones!" I snapped. Albert rolled his eyes before doing what I told him. Jo's brow scrunched "What happened" She asked hesitantly. I grunted at her question "I'l explain it soon enough just get inside" I said. She shrugged at me before doing the same as Albert.

"Your place is spotless, is that all you do now? Be a housekeeper" Albert mumbled grumpily. I gave him a smug smirk "Don't be such a sore loser Albert you were the one the thought it was a good idea to have a foursome in the janitors closet" I said knowlingly. Jo's jaw dropped "Excuse me?! You had a what?! What about Arlo? The date? The roses?! I paid 30$ fucking dollars for that" She screamed.

Alberts narrowed his eyes at Jo "It's not my fault you paid for the stupid flowers!" He roared. She groaned in frustration "God! What is your problem Albert! All you had to do was give Arlo the roses! Was that too difficult for you?!" She bellowed. Albert scoffed "Oh, trust me, I gave him something much better than roses" he said suggestively.

Than it hit both of us "You didn't" we said in unison.
He puffed his chest and nodded proudly "Oh yes I did" he said casually. "And trust me we're gonna have a great time tonight" he chirped. I shook my head in disappointment "I can't believe you slept with him" I grumbled.

His face went into visible shock "Excuse me?! I got him tickets to the fair!" He clarified in embarrassment. Jo's brows scrunched "How did you even get the money for it? Don't the tickets cost like 25$ a person or something? And you don't even have a job?" She asked curiously. Albert shrugged "I sold the roses for 50$" he explained.

"But why the carnival? You didn't even know what the roses were for?" I asked. He shrugged "Everyone likes games. So it was a safe bet that Arlo would like them too" he explained. Jo chuckled "Huh. That is the most romantic thing you've ever done for someone" Jo said, seemingly impressed by Alberts purchase. Albert shrugged "I bought these tickets for me! I didn't buy them for Arlo. It just happened that I had a spare 25$" he said casually. I smirked "Sure you did Albert, sure you did" I teased.

Albert huffed "Can't you guys just take my word?! I don't like Arlo! I..I just feel bad for hurting his feelings ok.." Albert mumbled out the last part hesitantly as blush formed on his pale skin. Jo just rolled her eyes "The red in your skin is saying something else but ok" she said sarcastically. Albert glared "It's cold ok!" He explained.

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