(34). A Horrible Reaction

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Ace POV 🎒
October 19, Monday

Benny and Scott had went out for some bottom bonding time which left me and Jackson in the living room by ourselves. "You want some brownies? I made them earlier with a recipe I made up" he chirped. He placed a plate of brownies in front of us as we watched tv.

I nodded "Sure" and grabbed a piece. "Its my first time making my own baking recipe so I don't know if it's good" he explained. As I took a munch on the fluffy little delicacy a wave of flavor hit my tongue.

"Damn, this is pretty good! What'd you put in it?" I asked. He shrugged "Here let me give you the recipe" he responded. I shook my head "No! Absolutely not. I take it back, you gotta keep this for yourself! You could make a business out of this, it's amazing, really" I assured. He looked at me curiously "Are you sure? I only bake as a way of therapy, it really helps me take my mind off things.. I-I don't know if I could make a whole business off of it" he said hesitantly.

I looked at him dumbfounded "Are you joking? You could be so successful! Do you have any other recipes?" I asked. He nodded slowly "I have them written down, I'm just too scared to make them" he murmured. I shook my head "You could start a bakery with that talent Jackson. Think of this way, if you become successful you could help other veteran like you, I know it's just a thought for you but if you really invest your time and energy into this I really think it could be something great" I smiled. he smiled softly in return "I um.. I never thought about it that way before. I would really like to help others.. maybe I'll give it shot. Thanks" he said with small smile.

I grabbed another one of his brownies and took a bite "I'm gonna have to go extra hard when I go to the gym" I mumbled. He chuckled quietly "You know.. I'm really glad Scott has someone like you, it's nice that he can finally take his mind off of some things" he explained.

I scoffed "Duh, I love him I'd do anything to see him happy"


I looked at Jackson, he looked at me.

"Did you just-"

"I did"

"Are you lying?"

"I am not"

"You love my brother?!" He squealed. "I've always wanted a brother in law!" He squeaked. He sighed I really hope you two last forever, knock on wood. You two are such a perfect match" he says, knocking on his metal leg. I groaned "Please keep it quiet, I don't want anything slipping while I'm still in high school this could ruin his career and his life" I warned. He nodded "Of course..  but what about Scott?" he whispered.

I tilted my head "What about him?"

"He's behind you"

I snapped my neck back and saw nothing. Jackson broke into a fit of laughter "You fucker! That wasn't funny! Do you have any idea how terrified I was!" I hissed. Jackson continued to giggle "Why are you so scared? It's not like he's gonna reject you" he retorted.

"You don't know that! What if he's not ready and he ends up breaking up with me! We haven't even been dating that long" I growled. Jackson rolled his eyes "He wants you. Have you not seen the lust in his eyes every time he looks at you he's about damn ready to suck your dick and spread himself. As much as that thought disgusts me you can't deny the man is obsessed with you" he argued.

I shrugged "I mean, I don't know.. why would he want me though seriously? He's an independent adult babying a teen, sooner or later he'll realize his mistake" I explained. Jackson scoffed "You're more mature than me when I was your age. All I did was deflect my self hatred and bitterness onto Scott and look where that got me. Failing grades, and a really convincing recruiter told me I had no where else to go besides the marines" he said sarcastically.

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